Tarot Card Meanings

3 Cards

Major Arcana

beginnings, freedom, innocence, originality, adventure, idealism, spontaneity

reckless, careless, distracted, naive, foolish, gullible, stale, dull

The Fool

Ideas: innocence, spontaneity, youth

Message: take your willing energy and embrace the future

Warning: naivity

I.E. a young person without experience

Album Art: Hunky Dory, David Bowie

Biddy Desc: The Fool is young and vulnerable. He has not yet experienced the ups and downs of life, leaving him unaware of the magnitude of life's challenges, as well as the potential he holds. You are encouraged to take on his open, willing energy & embrace all that lies ahead of you without worry.

I, Major Arcana

willpower, desire, being resourceful, skill, ability, concentration, manifestation

manipulation, cunning, trickery, wasted talent, illusion, deception

The Magician

Ideas: resourcefulness, concentration, manifestation

Message: you have many gifts; use all the resources at your disposal

I.E. a multitalented person

Album Art: Live At The Hollywood Bowl, Jimi Hendrix Experience

Biddy Desc: The Magician card is a reminder that you are unique and have many gifts. These skills set you apart from the crowd and can help you begin new projects or overcome adversity. It's a reminder that you already hold everything you need to move forward and accomplish what you've set out to do.

II, Major Arcana

unconscious, intuition, mystery, spirituality, higher power, inner voice

repressed intuition, hidden motives, superficiality, confusion, cognitive dissonance

The High Priestess

Ideas: awareness, connection, spirituality

Message: follow your instincts; find answers within

I.E. a clairsentient witch

Album Art: The Fame Monster, Lady Gaga

Biddy Desc: The most intuitive, connected card in the whole Tarot deck, The High Priestess is a card of awareness. This card urges you to listen to your inner voice and follow your instincts. Your mind knows far more than you think. Stop looking for answers in the outside world; turn within for the guidance you seek.

III, Major Arcana

divine feminine, sensuality, fertility, nurturing, creativity, beauty, abundance, nature

insecurity, overbearing, negligence, smothering, lack of growth, lack of progress

The Empress

Ideas: sensuality, beauty, nurturing

Message: absorb the energy of the natural world around you

I.E. a green witch

Album Art: Planet Her, Doja Cat

Biddy Desc: The Empress is the most feminine card in the Tarot, and greatly encourages compassion, beauty, and love. She is deeply connected to Mother Nature, and her influence is powerful when you absorb the energy of the natural world around you.

IV, Major Arcana

stability, structure, protection, authority, control, practicality, focus, discipline

tyrant, domineering, rigid, stubborn, lack of discipline, recklessness

The Emperor

Ideas: structure & solidity

Message: you hold immense power over what happens in your own life

I.E. an experienced leader

Album Art: O.N.I.F.C., Wiz Khalifa

Biddy Desc: The Emperor is a card of leadership and power. He is an authoritative force who has been through many experiences to achieve this status. He represents structure and solidity, and reminds you that you, too, hold immense amounts of power over your own life, and what happens to it.

V, Major Arcana

tradition, social groups, conventionality, conformity, education, knowledge, beliefs

rebellion, unconventionality, non-conformity, new methods, ignorance

The Hierophant

Ideas: divine guidance, conventionality, conformity

Message: follow the rules

I.E. a messenger from the heavens

Album Art: Heard It In A Past Life, Maggie Rogers

Biddy Desc: The Hierophant is like a messenger from the heavens. He is experienced in spirituality and guidance, and his job is to bring these lessons down to us here in the real world. You're encouraged to follow the rules, and to find a spiritual perspective on your current situation.

VI, Major Arcana

love, unions, partnerships, relationships, choices, romance, balance, unity

disharmony, imbalance, conflict, detachment, bad choices, indecision

The Lovers

Ideas: love & relationships; romance, balance

Message: deep connections & attraction go both ways

Warning: is your love life in need of extra attention?

I.E. a committed relationship

Album Art: With A Little Help From My Fwends, The Flaming Lips

Biddy Desc: The Lovers card represents the close relationships in your life. Your love life may be in need of extra attention. However, this is just as much a card about your values and decisions. You may find The Lovers come up when you are at a crossroads. Consider all the possible consequences of your choices.

VII, Major Arcana

success, ambition, determination, willpower, control, self-discipline, focus

forceful, no direction, no control, powerless, aggression, obstacles

The Chariot

Ideas: natural drive, self-discipline

Message: combine knowledge & spirit to become unstoppable

Warning: great successes won't come through limited thinking

I.E. a warrior

Album Art: Eliminator, ZZ Top

Biddy Desc: The Chariot card is connected to your natural drive and determination, and can indicate an upcoming victory. This card reminds you that your greatest successes won't come through limited thinking -- when you combine the knowledge of your mind with that of your heart and spirit, you are an unstoppable force.

VIII, Major Arcana

courage, bravery, confidence, compassion, self-confidence, inner power

self-doubt, weakness, low confidence, inadequacy, cowardice, forcefulness


Ideas: bravery, self-confidence, capability

Message: you are strong enough to handle anything & will come out with more power

I.E. a lioness

Album Art: Shrines, Purity Ring

Biddy Desc: Virtue card. The Strength card represents courage, the fortitude of your heart, and your ability to withstand anything life hands you. You are reminded that you're strong enough to handle whatever you are facing and will come out of it with even more power than you had before.

IX, Major Arcana

self-reflection, introspection, contemplation, withdrawal, solitude, search for self

loneliness, isolation, recluse, being anti-social, rejection, returning to society

The Hermit

Ideas: introspect, contemplation

Message: withdraw from the noise of the world & listen to yourself

I.E. a forest witch / a silent monk

Album Art: Folklore, Taylor Swift

Biddy Desc: The Hermit yearns to be alone. He knows that the only way to process what is happening in life is to withdraw from the noise of the world and create a quiet space of solitude. When The Hermit comes up in your reading, the answers you need will come from within. Be very still, and listen...

X, Major Arcana

change, cycles, fate, decisive moments, luck, fortune, unexpected events

bad luck, lack of control, clinging to control, unwelcome changes, delays

Wheel of Fortune

Ideas: inevitable cycles, luck, unexpected events

Message: nothing is permanent; cherish the lesson of this moment

I.E. one unafraid of change

Album Art: The Resistance, Muse

Biddy Desc: The Wheel of Fortune is constantly revolving -- sometimes you will be at the top, and sometimes you will be at the bottom. This Tarot card reminds you that nothing is permanent, and, good or bad, you must cherish the lessons that this moment is bringing you.

XI, Major Arcana

justice, karma, consequence, accountability, law, truth, honesty, integrity, cause and effect

injustice, retribution, dishonesty, corruption, dishonesty, unfairness, avoiding accountability


Ideas: fairness, karma

Message: there is a consequence for every action

I.E. a judge

Album Art: Songs About Jane, Maroon 5

Biddy Desc: Virtue card. Justice is your firm-but-fair reminder that there is a consequence for every action. Whatever life is handing you at this moment comes from decisions you and others have made in the past, reflecting natural cause-and-effect. When this card comes up in your Tarot reading, make sure you are acting fairly in all your interactions with others.

XII, Major Arcana

sacrifice, waiting, uncertainty, lack of direction, perspective, contemplation

stalling, disinterest, stagnation, avoiding sacrifice, standstill, apathy

The Hanged Man

Ideas: not knowing where to begin

Message: lighten your grip on what's not working; detach from the outcome

Warning: sometimes small sacrifices are required to benefit the bigger picture

I.E. one who chooses to surrender in order to find enlightenment

Album Art: The Beautiful & The Damned, G-Eazy

Biddy Desc: The Hanged Man tells you that sometimes small sacrifices are required to benefit the bigger picture. When The Hanged Man arises in your reading, you likely want to make a move but don't know where to begin. Lightening your grip on what's no longer working for you, or detaching from the outcome of your situation, can help you release yourself.

XIII, Major Arcana

transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go, release

fear of change, repeating negative patterns, resisting change, stagnancy, decay


Ideas: endings, letting go, embracing change

Message: all things must pass; each ending offers a new beginning

I.E. reincarnation

Album Art: Molly Hatchet, Molly Hatchet

Biddy Desc: One of the most misunderstood Tarot cards, Death is not a card about physical death. The Death card speaks of cycles and is a reminder that all things must pass. Hanging on to situations from the past will hinder you from allowing new, better things to enter your life. In every ending lies a chance for a new beginning.

XIV, Major Arcana

balance, peace, patience, moderation, calm, tranquillity, harmony, serenity

imbalance, excess, extremes, discord, recklessness, hastiness


Ideas: go with the flow, change with the changes; find balance

Message: take things as they come; remain flexible

Warning: don't force pace or direction

I.E. a well-experienced mediator

Album Art: Deja Entendu, Brand New

Biddy Desc: Virtue card. The Temperance card is a master of moderation. She encourages peace and patience, and reminds you to go with the flow of your life instead of trying to force its pace or direction. It is a message to take things as they come, and remain flexible enough to change with the changes.

XV, Major Arcana

oppression, addiction, obsession, dependency, excess, powerlessness, limitations

independence, freedom, revelation, release, reclaiming power, reclaiming control

The Devil

Ideas: self-imposed limitations, addition, dependency

Message: you hold the keys to your own freedom; the power is in your own hands

I.E. a complacent person with complaints

Album Art: Tenacious D, Tenacious D

Biddy Desc: The Devil card carries themes of restraint and powerlessness. When it comes up in your Tarot reading, you are likely feeling stuck. The Devil has convinced you that you have no options, but this couldn't be further from the truth. You hold the keys to your own freedom, but it's up to you to open the lock.

XVI, Major Arcana

disaster, destruction, upheaval, trauma, sudden change, chaos

averting disaster, delaying the inevitable, resisting change

The Tower

Ideas: disaster, upheaval, destruction

Message: let the weak parts of your life fall in order to build something stronger

Warning: do not fear change

I.E. knowing when to let go

Album Art: Dookie, Green Day

Biddy Desc: The Tower represents destruction. It often comes up when everything in your life feels like its crumbling, and you have no way of stopping it. The message of this card is to just let it fall. The weakest parts of your life must be torn down in order to build something strong and sturdy in their place.

XVII, Major Arcana

hope, inspiration, positivity, faith, renewal, healing, rejuvenation

hopelessness, despair, negativity, lack of faith, despondent

The Star

Ideas: a calming influence; hope, rejuvenation

Message: the universe is working in your favor; have faith in its guidance

I.E. an inspiring friend's soft-spoken pep talk

Album Art: Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness, Smashing Pumpkins

Biddy Desc: The Star is the embodiment of hope and healing. She is a calming influence that brings messages of renewal, optimism, and inspiration. She reminds you that the universe is working in your favor, and encourages you to have faith in where you are being taken.

XVIII, Major Arcana

illusion, intuition, uncertainty, confusion, complexity, secrets, unconscious

fear, deception, anxiety, misunderstanding, misinterpretation, clarity, understanding

The Moon

Ideas: hidden thoughts, illusion, complexity

Message: address your feelings to rid yourself of worry

Warning: don't allow your fears to override your faith in the future

I.E. an unseen entity

Album Art: Dark Side Of The Moon, Pink Floyd

Biddy Desc: The Moon card represents hidden thoughts, feelings, doubts and fears. When The Moon arises in your Tarot reading, you may be allowing your fears to override your faith in the future. Don't be deceived -- you can't believe everything that you see, hear, or think. If you can draw your feelings to the surface and address them, you can rid yourself of worry.

XIX, Major Arcana

happiness, success, optimism, vitality, joy, confidence, truth

blocked happiness, excessive enthusiasm, pessimism, unrealistic expectations, conceitedness

The Sun

Ideas: vitality, joy, good things

Message: you're moving in the right direction

I.E. a person who radiates positivity

Album Art: Pablo Honey, Radiohead

Biddy Desc: The Sun is a powerfully uplifting card, representing happiness, joy, vitality, and optimism. When The Sun comes up in your Tarot reading, it is an positive sign that things are working well for you and that you're moving in the right direction. Lift your head and realize all the good situations and people that are surrounding you now and always.

XX, Major Arcana

self-evaluation, awakening, renewal, purpose, reflection, reckoning

self-doubt, lack of self-awareness, failure to learn lessons, self-loathing


Ideas: reflection on the past meets planning for the future

Message: your future is not set in stone; it's never to late to make a change for the better

Warning: review your decisions to determine if they are in line with your goals

I.E. accountability amidst transformation

Album Art: In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, Neutral Milk Hotel

Biddy Desc: Judgement is a card where your past and future come together. You are being called on to review your decisions and your actions until now, to ensure they are in line with where you ultimately want to go. It reminds you that your future is not set in stone, and that it's never too late to make a change for the better.

XXI, Major Arcana

completion, achievement, fulfilment, sense of belonging, wholeness, harmony

lack of closure, lack of achievement, feeling incomplete, emptiness

The World

Ideas: sense of belonging; wholeness

Message: you are exactly where you're meant to be

I.E. one ready for the next phase of the journey

Album Art: Awaken, My Love!, Childish Gambino

Biddy Desc: As the last card of the Major Arcana, The World represents completion and fulfillment. When it arises in your Tarot Reading, you are exactly where you're meant to be. You have a greater understanding of who you are after all you've been through, and you're ready for the next phase of your journey.

I, Wands

inspiration, creative spark, new initiative, new passion, enthusiasm, energy

delays, blocks, lack of passion, lack of energy, hesitancy, creative blocks

Ace of Wands

Ideas: creative energy; new adventures

Message: listen to instincts & intuition

I.E. one who channels ambition into endeavors

Album Art: This Fire, Paula Cole

Biddy Desc: The Ace of Wands signifies a beginning of an adventure, with passion and creativity driving you forward. It asks you to take your first steps into your future, listening to your instinct to make the right descision.

new beginnings, sparks, decisions
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

II, Wands

planning, first steps, making decisions, leaving comfort, taking risks

bad planning, overanalysing, not taking action, playing it safe, avoiding risk

Two of Wands

Ideas: consideration at the beginning; taking risks

Message: cooperate with universe & others to move forward

I.E. a person daring to dream big

Album Art: Stankonia, Outkast

Biddy Desc: A card of reflecting, planning ahead and making arrangements for your future. It asks us to cooperate with the world and link with others to ensure our dreams and plans come true.

pairings & choices, balance, partnership, collaboration, opposition, duplicity; inner contradition - must reference cards around them
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

III, Wands

momentum, confidence, expansion, growth, foresight, looking ahead

restriction, limitations, lack of progress, obstacles, delays, frustration

Three of Wands

Ideas: follow your heart; move forward with your truth

Message: you have the power to succeed & transform

I.E. a seaman with good wind in his sails

Album Art: Stick Season, Noah Kahan

Biddy Desc: The number three in Tarot usually signifies change and growth. When reflecting on what we know about the meaning of wands, we can understand the Three of Wands as pushing us forward to follow our hearts and move forward with our truth. It shows us that we have the power to succeed at our plans with personal growth and transformation.

creating, connecting, growth, dynamism, decision, change; always speaks of a specific action, good or bad
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

IV, Wands

community, home, celebrations, reunions, parties, gatherings, stability, belonging

lack of support, instability, feeling unwelcome, transience, lack of roots, home conflict

Four of Wands

Ideas: a good time & connection with others; reunions

Message: you are in a strong position & have stayed true to yourself

I.E. like a happy holiday season with family

Album Art: Sixpence None The Richer, Sixpence None The Richer

Biddy Desc: The Four of Wands is a card of celebration. It signifies good times, success, and connections with others. In Tarot, the number four brings us the energy of stability and structure. Because of this, the Four of Wands shows you that you are in a strong position right now. You have established yourself as someone following your heart and staying true to that inner fire.

stability, security, rest, stagnation, boredome; influenced by the reading it is surrounded by
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

V, Wands

conflict, competition, arguments, aggression, tension, rivals, clashes of ego

end of conflict, cooperation, agreements, truces, harmony, peace, avoiding conflict

Five of Wands

Ideas: a struggle with others

Message: find a compromise to settle the conflict

I.E. one striving to assert themselves

Album Art: No Strings Attached, NSYNC

Biddy Desc: In Tarot, the fives often predict instability and struggles. This card will appear when you are struggling with others, with competition and disagreement stopping you from moving forward. The Five of Wands asks you to compromise with your beliefs and ideals to find a solution to this conflict you are in.

instability, crisis, conflict, damage; struggles and obstacles, real or imaginary
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

VI, Wands

success, victory, triumph, rewards, recognition, praise, acclaim, pride

failure, lack of recognition, no rewards, lack of achievement

Six of Wands

Ideas: good job; deserved success

Message: you got here by listening to your instincts

I.E. a well-fought victor

Album Art: Respect M.E., Missy Elliott

Biddy Desc: The Six of Wands is a card of victory, appearing in a reading to represent a time of deserved success. Other people around you are applauding you right now, acknowledging your hard work. You have reached this point because you have listened to your instincts and used your gut to guide you.

community, the new normal, support, balance, hope, victories, ideals
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

VII, Wands

protectiveness, standing up for yourself, defending yourself, protecting territory

giving up, admitting defeat, yielding, lack of self belief, surrender

Seven of Wands

Ideas: a challenge you can overcome

Message: stand your ground; defend your truth

I.E. one willing to fight for what they believe in

Album Art: London Calling, The Clash

Biddy Desc: The Seven of Wands is an interesting card. It represents a challenge, yet it shows you that you have the power to overcome it. The Seven of Wands has a strong message for you: stand your ground, use your fire, and defend your truth.

reflection, assessment, knowledge, magic, solutions
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

VIII, Wands

movement, speed, progress, quick decisions, sudden changes, excitement

waiting, slowness, chaos, delays, losing momentum, hastiness, being unprepared

Eight of Wands

Ideas: things are moving fast; do your thing now

Message: embrace change

I.E. a competitive swimmer kicking off the wall

Album Art: Good News For People Who Love Bad News, Modest Mouse

Biddy Desc: The Eight of Wands holds the numerical energy of eight and the meaning of Wands. The number eight brings us progression, transformation, and justice. It reflects a time of speed and growth. The challenges faced in the previous cards have cleared, and your eyes are focused on the future. This card asks us to embrace change and stay true to ourselves.

speed, power, infinity, transformation, justice, the unknown; endurance and resilience
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

IX, Wands

last stand, persistence, grit, resilience, perseverance, close to success, fatigue

stubbornness, rigidity, defensiveness, refusing compromise, giving up

Nine of Wands

Ideas: close to success; fatigued but resilient

Message: your past experiences make you strong; stand resilient in the face of adversity

Warning: you may need rest; be wary of emotional health

I.E. one who refuses to give up

Album Art: To Pimp A Butterfly, Kendrick Lamar

Biddy Desc: The Nine of Wands reflects defense and usually appears when you need to take a moment to rest. You have been working hard to defend your truth and overcome the challenges you have faced. However, you may need to compromise a little to protect your emotional and mental health.

independence, solitude, profusion, climax, momentum; the worst or the very best - total isolation or the profusion of love
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

X, Wands

burden, responsibility, duty, stress, obligation, burning out, struggles

failure to delegate, shouldering too much responsibility, collapse, breakdown

Ten of Wands

Ideas: carrying a burden; overextending yourself

Message: prioritize your own well-being

I.E. one who refuses to delegate

Album Art: Led Zeppelin IV, Led Zeppelin

Biddy Desc: The Ten of Wands reveals a critical point of your life, with burdens and responsibilities overwhelming you. You are overextending yourself right now, and this needs to change. It is time to put an end to your suffering by taking some of the load off. Work out what is important to you, and remember to prioritize your health and well-being.

completion, endings, exit, closure; the end of a cycle - increases the power of the suit
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

XI, Wands

adventure, excitement, fresh ideas, cheerfulness, energetic, fearless, extroverted

hasty, impatient, lacking ideas, tantrums, laziness, boring, unreliable, distracted

Page of Wands

Ideas: encourages change; brings exciting news

Message: your fresh ideas could be the start of something good

I.E. a catalyst who inspires change

Album Art: 1984, Van Halen

Biddy Desc: The Page of Wands is similar to the Fool in that he is a free spirit who represents change and new beginnings. He has a true passion for life, despite his understanding of this world is not yet fully developed. He has not yet been weighed down by the burdens of the material world, coming and going as he pleases, and usually encouraging change wherever he goes. He is like the catalyst that inspires changes that might be impossible in any other situation.

excitement without understanding; childlike curiosity, experimenting with life, discovering
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

XII, Wands

courageous, energetic, charming, hero, rebellious, hot tempered, free spirit

arrogant, reckless, impatient, lack of self control, passive, volatile, domineering

Knight of Wands

Ideas: act first, think later; lacking consideration of consequences

Message: consider your long term goals

Warning: don't be overly insistant; analyze your plan of attack

I.E. courageous & charming but impatient & impulsive

Album Art: Purple Rain, Prince

Biddy Desc: The Knight of Wands is an ‘act first, think later’ type of guy. He is impatient and impulsive, with a love for action. The downside is that while he is bursting with energy and enthusiasm, he has a tendency to rush into things without much consideration for the consequences of his actions. He sets off on his journey in haste and often fails to have a clear plan of attack and this may negatively impact his chances of longer-term success. He is so focused on being the best and of fame and glory that he almost forgets to plan ahead and to keep sight of reality. The Knight of Wands can also come across as aggressive and overly ambitious. He is highly insistent even if others stand in his way, criticise him or challenge him.

action without thoughtfulness; teenagers - passionate but a bit erratic; knights act quickly & are full of charm; typically lack the balance needed for insightful decision making
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

XIII, Wands

confident, self-assured, passionate, determined, social, charismatic, vivacious, optimistic

demanding, vengeful, low confidence, jealous, selfish, temperamental, bully

Queen of Wands

Ideas: dominant feminine power; independence

Message: be unafraid of adversity; stay determined & friendly

I.E. a woman who knows what she wants

Album Art: Invasion Of Privacy, Cardi B

Biddy Desc: The Queen of Wands is the dominant feminine energy of the element of Fire. She is not afraid to demonstrate her power to others nor does she shy away from a challenge. She is therefore a strong leader who is focused on her desires, intending to get what she wants. Thus, the Queen of Wands indicates that you are strong, independent and able to take care of yourself and sustain your own creative vision, even in the face of adversity. You know what you want and how to get it, and you are masterful at engaging with others to achieve your goals. You are talented at staying fiercely determined and focused on your own goals whilst being friendly and optimistic with those around you.

leadership, maturity, protection, care, support; motherly; queens excel at leadership through collaboration, connecting with those in need
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

XIV, Wands

leadership, vision, big picture, taking control, daring decisions, boldness, optimism

forceful, domineering, tyrant, vicious, powerless, ineffective, weak leader

King of Wands

Ideas: big picture; delegation; boldness

Message: you are a natural born leader who can create change

Warning: be wary of becoming domineering

I.E. a man inclined to change the world to match his vision

Album Art: The Black Parade, My Chemical Romance

Biddy Desc: The King of Wands represents pure fire energy. Unlike the other Wands court cards, he is not so interesting in actual creation and creativity, or in dreaming up ideas and implementing them himself. Instead, he is more inclined to take an idea and change the world to match his vision. As such he is a natural-born leader of all kinds of people, and he is very visionary. Once he sets himself a goal, he sticks to it and ensures that he can make it happen with the support of those around him. People naturally gravitate towards this King as they know he will get things done and will do it very well. He is a master, too, at being able to get other people to do his work for him, and keep them on-side throughout the process.

leadership, maturity, action, responsibility; fatherly
passion, inspiration, willpower; action, ambition, making plans

I, Cups

love, new feelings, emotional awakening, creativity, spirituality, intuition

coldness, emptiness, emotional loss, blocked creativity, feeling unloved, gloominess

Ace of Cups

Ideas: emotional awakening; new feelings/relationships

Message: open your heart, relax into support

I.E. honeymoon phase of a relationship

Album Art: They Want My Soul, Spoon

Biddy Desc: The Ace of Cups shows a hand holding up an overflowing cup, which fountains forth an endless stream of refreshment and healing. It is an unfailing source of balm for body, heart, and soul, and represents fresh feelings. When the Ace of Cups appears in your Tarot reading, it suggests that you open your heart and relax into a safety net of love, support, and communion.

new beginnings, sparks, decisions
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

II, Cups

unity, partnership, attraction, connection, close bonds, joining forces, mutual respect

separation, rejection, division, imbalance, tension, bad communication, withdrawal

Two of Cups

Ideas: union of soulmates; collaboration

Message: nuture the closest relationships in your life

I.E. a successful couple

Album Art: Rumors, Fleetwood Mac

Biddy Desc: Signifies a union of soul mates. It often refers to romantic relationships, but can indicate any partnership that is based on affinity and deep mutual understanding. This card highlights a karmic tie between individuals -- the point when two become one, and everyone wins. Put your focus on the closest relationship in your life, and nurture it in every way you can.

pairings & choices, balance, partnership, collaboration, opposition, duplicity; inner contradition - must reference cards around them
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

III, Cups

friendship, community, gatherings, celebrations, group events, social events

gossip, scandal, excess, isolation, loneliness, solitude, imbalanced social life

Three of Cups

Ideas: community gathering; a party

Message: realize all the support that is available to you

Warning: reconnect with those you cherish

I.E. a group of friends

Album Art: Wide Open Spaces, Dixie Chicks

Biddy Desc: Calls on you to celebrate the kindred spirits in your life. It implies a spirit of agreement, mutual support, encouragement, and teamwork. It reminds you that you belong to a group of like-minded people, and that there are great benefits to maintaining harmonious relationships. This card asks you to realize all the support and understanding that is available to you. Reach out and reconnect with those closest to you.

creating, connecting, growth, dynamism, decision, change; always speaks of a specific action, good or bad
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

IV, Cups

apathy, contemplation, feeling disconnected, melancholy, boredom, indifference, discontent

clarity, awareness, acceptance, choosing happiness, depression, negativity

Four of Cups

Ideas: restless, dissatisfied, detached; longing for change

Message: open your outlook; take the chances you're offered

Warning: beware becoming so ungrateful that you miss opportunities for happiness right in front of you

I.E. one who pities themself

Album Art: Abbey Road, The Beatles

Biddy Desc: Refers to a restless time, when you have become dissatisfied with life and disappointed with where you now sit. Feeling stagnant and longing for change, your heart is questioning its options, and you may find yourself pulling away from the world. Beware becoming so self-absorbed and ungrateful that you cannot even see the joyful opportunities that are right in front of you. A more open outlook can change everything.

stability, security, rest, stagnation, boredome; influenced by the reading it is surrounded by
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

V, Cups

loss, grief, disappointment, sadness, mourning, discontent, feeling let down

acceptance, moving on, finding peace, contentment, seeing positives

Five of Cups

Ideas: regret, emotional upheaval; unmet expectations

Message: practice forgiveness; let your losses become lessons

I.E. a mourning person

Album Art: College Dropout, Kanye West

Biddy Desc: Traditionally portrays the mess that is left after an emotional upheaval. It is a card of grief and unmet expectations. You may find yourself wallowing in regret and disappointment over the outcome of a particular situation. To change these feelings, you must let go and practice forgiveness -- toward others, and yourself. Hope is not lost; let your troubles become lessons, and move on.

instability, crisis, conflict, damage; struggles and obstacles, real or imaginary
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

VI, Cups

nostalgia, memories, familiarity, healing, comfort, sentimentality, pleasure

stuck in past, moving forward, leaving home, independence

Six of Cups

Ideas: innocence, willingness to learn

Message: real magic lies in the present moment; it's never too late

Warning: now is not the time to dwell on the past

I.E. an optimistic child

Album Art: Siamese Dream, Smashing Pumpkins

Biddy Desc: Harkens back to childhood, when you were young and enthusiastic and the future was wide open. It carries messages of openness and innocence, a willingness to learn, and an optimism that things will get better. Try to remember this same freshness and those new possibilities -- they are still with you now. Whether your past was a joy or a disappointment, real magic lies in the present moment; it’s never too late.

community, the new normal, support, balance, hope, victories, ideals
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

VII, Cups

choices, searching for purpose, illusion, fantasy, daydreaming, wishful thinking, indecision

lack of purpose, disarray, confusion, diversion, distractions, clarity, making choices

Seven of Cups

Ideas: illusion/fantasy; cognitive dissonance

Message: dream big, but your outcome is not set in stone

Warning: don't lose sight of reality

I.E. an imaginative person

Album Art: The Grand Illusion, Styx

Biddy Desc: Typically refers to your imagination, and the idea of inventing a present or future that is different than the life you are currently living. Your outcome is not set in stone. You can raise your hopes and expectations and upgrade your results. However, you can also become so entranced by your wishes that you lose sight of reality. Embrace a sense of magic, but consider your dreams, your fears, and your assumptions that could be hiding what’s really happening.

reflection, assessment, knowledge, magic, solutions
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

VIII, Cups

abandonment, walking away, letting go, searching for truth, leaving behind

stagnation, monotony, accepting less, avoidance, fear of change, staying in bad situation

Eight of Cups

Ideas: things haven't worked out as planned

Message: walk away; understand the actions that led here

Warning: don’t put all your energy into a situation that will take you nowhere

I.E. one who understands what no longer serves them & chooses to leave it behind

Album Art: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Elton John

Biddy Desc: Often signifies a great disappointment, an emotional setback, betrayal, or heartache. This is a hard card to receive, but a realistic one. When you’ve done all you possibly can and things still aren’t panning out as you wished, it’s time to walk away. Don’t continue to put all your energy into a situation that will take you nowhere. Instead, focus on understanding your upset feelings and the actions that led you here, so you don’t end up back in the same place.

speed, power, infinity, transformation, justice, the unknown; endurance and resilience
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

IX, Cups

wishes coming true, contentment, satisfaction, success, achievements, recognition, pleasure

unhappiness, lack of fulfilment, disappointment, underachievement, arrogance, snobbery

Nine of Cups

Ideas: things are about to get a lot better

Message: focus on the good things in life

Warning: do not dwell on the negative

I.E. a satisfied person

Album Art: Sir Lucious Left Foot... The Son of Chico Dusty, Big Boi

Biddy Desc: A card of great happiness and fulfillment. Sometimes called the Wish Card, the Nine of Cups is one of the most positive cards you can receive. It is an indicator of much love, joy, and gratitude. Know that things are about to get a lot better. Until they do, put all your focus on the good things in your life and do not dwell on the negative -- positivity attracts positivity.

independence, solitude, profusion, climax, momentum; the worst or the very best - total isolation or the profusion of love
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

X, Cups

happiness, homecomings, fulfilment, emotional stability, security, domestic harmony

unhappy home, separation, domestic conflict, disharmony, isolation

Ten of Cups

Ideas: happiness, emotional stability in the home

Message: your actions are actively being supported

I.E. a happy family

Album Art: International Breakdown, Lucern Raze

Biddy Desc: One of the the happiest and most joyful cards in the whole Tarot deck. Represents family and togetherness, celebration, and ultimate joy. Love and support extend in all directions, in a grand emotional safety net. Your current actions are being supported, and you should be feeling good about the direction you’re taking

completion, endings, exit, closure; the end of a cycle - increases the power of the suit
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

XI, Cups

idealism, sensitivity, dreamer, naïveté, innocence, inner child, head in the clouds

emotional vulnerability, immaturity, neglecting inner child, escapism, insecurity

Page of Cups

Ideas: unconscious inspiration; the unexpected

Message: something can emerge from nothing

Warning: watch out for idealism; keep your head out of the clouds

I.E. a child playing an imagination game

Album Art: Flower Boy, Tyler, The Creator

Biddy Desc: The Page of Cups signifies the beginning of a creative project or venture. It is an indication that there is creative energy trying to burst forth into your consciousness.

excitement without understanding; childlike curiosity, experimenting with life, discovering
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

XII, Cups

idealist, charming, artistic, graceful, tactful, diplomatic, mediator, negotiator

disappointment, tantrums, moodiness, turmoil, avoiding conflict, vanity

Knight of Cups

Ideas: heart-driven; romantic, poetic view of life

Message: follow your inner direction

Warning: don't be in love with ideas alone; use logic

I.E. a charming, romantic man ruled by his heart

Album Art: Live At Wembley, Queen

Biddy Desc: The Knight of Cups is charming and attractive to others, regardless of their sex, while still expressing the romantic, poetic view of life in his unique way. He may be in love with love itself. This Knight also looks to his emotions to provide a map for his life direction. He is someone who is ruled by his heart rather than his head. When faced with a decision, he will always go with what his heart tells him, whether it is logical or not. Decisions will be made without much thought and instead they are made drawing upon inner direction, with the experience of warmth, friendliness, love and the need to share these qualities with everyone.

action without thoughtfulness; teenagers - passionate but a bit erratic; knights act quickly & are full of charm; typically lack the balance needed for insightful decision making
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

XIII, Cups

compassion, warmth, kindness, intuition, healer, counsellor, supportive

insecurity, giving too much, overly-sensitive, needy, fragile, dependence, martyrdom

Queen of Cups

Ideas: emotional security, intuitive care; knowing

Message: listen to your inner voice to find understanding

I.E. a warm-hearted, motherly figure who knows what you need

Album Art: Melodrama, Lorde

Biddy Desc: The Queen of Cups is nurturing, caring, compassionate and sensitive. She is a good wife and a loving mother as she is emotionally secure and can connect on an emotional level with others. She is admired for her fairness and honesty, and is warm-hearted. Often a healer, counsellor or psychic, this is a woman who seems to know what is wrong even before you open your mouth. She seems to have exactly the right solution to problems relating to relationships, emotions and feelings. She easily tunes in to what you are feeling and is able to help you make sense of it in a sensitive and compassionate manner. As such, her intuition is very strong and she has a unique talent at being able to pick up on emotional energy.

leadership, maturity, protection, care, support; motherly; queens excel at leadership through collaboration, connecting with those in need
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

XIV, Cups

wise, diplomatic, balance between head and heart, devoted, advisor, counsellor

overwhelmed, anxious, cold, repressed, withdrawn, manipulative, selfish

King of Cups

Ideas: strong bonds; balance of emotions & intellect

Message: you're smart enough to accept your emotions

I.E. a wise master of compassion/kindness

Album Art: Take Care, Drake

Biddy Desc: The King of Cups, like all the court cards in the suit of Cups, represents emotion, creativity, and the unconscious. He is a master of his own feelings, and remains in control of his emotions. Not to say that he represses those feelings and sentiments. On the contrary, the King of Cups represents the balance between the emotions and the intellect. He is a master of compassion and kindness and his card often indicates strong bonds in a relationship based on temperance and understanding.

leadership, maturity, action, responsibility; fatherly
emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

I, Swords

clarity, breakthrough, new idea, concentration, vision, force, focus, truth

confusion, miscommunication, hostility, arguments, destruction, brutality

Ace of Swords

Ideas: new ideas & focus

Message: you have the strength to handle what lies ahead

I.E. a eureka moment

Album Art: Toto, Toto

Biddy Desc: Represents your prime motive or guiding ideal; the vision that guides you. It is an optimistic symbol of evolution, progress, hope, and victory. This card may arise when you're at the beginning of a new endeavor -- often having left something else behind -- and in need of additional clarity or fortitude to move forward. Provides the message that you have the strength you need to handle anything that lies before you.

new beginnings, sparks, decisions
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

II, Swords

stalemate, difficult choices, stuck in the middle, denial, hidden information

indecision, hesitancy, anxiety, too much information, no right choice, truth revealed

Two of Swords

Ideas: difficult choices; mixed signals

Message: gain as much information as you can

I.E. a person at a crossroads

Album Art: Traumazine, Megan Thee Stallion

Biddy Desc: A card of decision-making. It represents conflicting ideas which must be reconciled to arrive at a harmonious place. When the Two of Swords arises in your Tarot reading, you could be dealing with many mixed signals and misunderstandings, leaving you unsure which path to take. Gain as much information as you can, so you can consider it all and make the best decision for your future.

pairings & choices, balance, partnership, collaboration, opposition, duplicity; inner contradition - must reference cards around them
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

III, Swords

heartbreak, separation, sadness, grief, sorrow, upset, loss, trauma, tears

healing, forgiveness, recovery, reconciliation, repressing emotions

Three of Swords

Ideas: a warning of impending sadness

Message: move through your emotions rather than avoiding them

I.E. a soon-to-be ex boyfriend

Album Art: Elephant, The White Stripes

Biddy Desc: One of the most recognizable cards in a Tarot deck. This is a card of heartache, separation, and sorrow. While this card's appearance in your Tarot reading could be warning you of impending sadness, this card often arises when you are already in a state of grief. By moving through your emotions, rather than avoiding them, you give yourself the gift of strength, truth, healing, and growth.

creating, connecting, growth, dynamism, decision, change; always speaks of a specific action, good or bad
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

IV, Swords

rest, relaxation, peace, sanctuary, recuperation, self-protection, rejuvenation

recovery, awakening, re-entering world, release from isolation, restlessness, burnout

Four of Swords

Ideas: a reminder to rest, take a break

Message: give yourself time to recuperate in order to be strong

I.E. a meditating monk

Album Art: Dizzy Up This Girl, Goo Goo Dolls

Biddy Desc: The Four of Swords urges you to take some time out and retreat to a place of rest and serenity. If you move forward without taking time to wind down or process what you're going through, you'll reach a state of total emotional and physical burn-out. You need a break. You will move forward stronger, more complete, and more capable if you allow yourself time to stop now and contemplate where you've been, and where you're going.

stability, security, rest, stagnation, boredome; influenced by the reading it is surrounded by
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

V, Swords

arguments, disputes, aggression, bullying, intimidation, conflict, hostility, stress

reconciliation, resolution, compromise, revenge, regret, remorse, cutting losses

Five of Swords

Ideas: check yourself before you wreck yourself

Message: examine if the battle is worth fighting

I.E. kind of a psychopath

Album Art: Goo, Sonic Youth

Biddy Desc: A card of conflict, tension, winning, and losing. It asks you to examine the value of the battle you are participating in. If you win the argument but lose friends, did you really win? Think long and hard about what you're fighting for, and pick your battles wisely. Or, if you realize you don't have what it takes to fight the current battle, what do you need to attain in order to stand up stronger next time? A reminder to think before you act.

instability, crisis, conflict, damage; struggles and obstacles, real or imaginary
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

VI, Swords

moving on, departure, leaving behind, distance, accepting lessons

stuck in past, returning to trouble, running away from problems, trapped

Six of Swords

Ideas: moving on, a difficult departure

Message: leave something behind in order to gain something new

I.E. one seeking solace & a fresh start

Album Art: Sounds Of Silence, Simon & Garfunkel

Biddy Desc: The Six of Swords Tarot card involves leaving an especially difficult situation. Walking away from this may feel very painful at the time, and you could be experiencing fear or regret. In order to move forward in your life though, you must leave something behind. A supportive message of personal growth, and a reminder that, in the end, leaving something behind opens you up to taking in something new. You will look back on this and realize you've made the right decision.

community, the new normal, support, balance, hope, victories, ideals
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

VII, Swords

lies, trickery, scheming, strategy, resourcefulness, sneakiness, cunning

confession, conscience, regret, maliciousness, truth revealed

Seven of Swords

Ideas: betrayal -or- be clever; work smarter, not harder

Message: watch your back; don't believe everything

I.E. a con artist

Album Art: Best Of, Bruce Springsteen

Biddy Desc: Represents deception. In its positive sense, this card encourages you to look for unique ways to get ahead. When it comes up in your Tarot reading in this sense, it is a reminder to work smarter, not harder. However, this card is also heavy with betrayal, and could indicate that you are the victim of someone else's secrets or manipulation. Be on the lookout for wolves in sheep's clothing, and don't believe anything without asking a few questions first.

reflection, assessment, knowledge, magic, solutions
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

VIII, Swords

trapped, restricted, victimised, paralysed, helpless, powerless, imprisonment

freedom, release, taking control, survivor, facing fears, empowered, surrender

Eight of Swords

Ideas: helpless/powerless; a self-imposed struggle

Message: open your mind to new perspectives to free yourself

I.E. a prisoner

Album Art: ...Like Clockwork, Queens of the Stone Age

Biddy Desc: Represents those times in your life when it seems like there's no way out. Trapped. Bound. Stuck. But there is always a way out. The way out is through your mind. Whatever is holding you back is self-imposed -- you've made yourself the victim of your own limited fears, assumptions, and mindsets. In order to be free, you must set yourself free. Open your mind to a new perspective, or stay stuck where you are.

speed, power, infinity, transformation, justice, the unknown; endurance and resilience
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

IX, Swords

fear, anxiety, negativity, breaking point, despair, nightmares, isolation

recovery, learning to cope, facing life, finding help, shame, guilt, mental health issues

Nine of Swords

Ideas: anxiety monster, breaking point

Message: gain power over your fears by addressing them directly

I.E. a person haunted by negative thoughts

Album Art: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?, Billie Eilish

Biddy Desc: A card about anxiety and fear. You are losing sleep -- quite literally, at times -- by keeping yourself busy with worry. You could feel powerless, and like you've lost of control of yourself and your emotions. A reminder that so much of your stress is made up in your mind. Worrying will not help your situation, it will only feed it. These concerns will cease to have power over you when you address them at their source.

independence, solitude, profusion, climax, momentum; the worst or the very best - total isolation or the profusion of love
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

X, Swords

ruin, failure, bitterness, collapse, exhaustion, dead end, victimisation, betrayal

survival, improvement, healing, lessons learned, despair, relapse

Ten of Swords

Ideas: painful ending, defeat, finality

Message: it's over; let go and move on

I.E. rock bottom

Album Art: Straight Outta Compton, NWA

Biddy Desc: Represents finality. The limit has been reached, a line has been crossed, and there is no turning back -- it's over, and there's no hope for revival. This may be felt as a tragic loss, but it often brings with it a sense of release and closure. The waiting and wondering are over and there is no more ambiguity. You know you can let go and move on because there is no more progress to be made here.

completion, endings, exit, closure; the end of a cycle - increases the power of the suit
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

XI, Swords

curious, witty, chatty, communicative, inspired, vigilant, alert, mental agility

scatterbrained, cynical, sarcastic, gossipy, insulting, rude, lack of planning

Page of Swords

Ideas: abundance of energy & curiosity

Message: something else is needed to follow through

I.E. an eager sophomore finally into their major

Album Art: High Voltage, AC/DC

Biddy Desc: The Page of Swords reflects an abundance of energy, passion and enthusiasm. You cannot wait to get started on a new project or an idea, and to share that with others. You start all new projects, ventures and journeys with a huge amount of energy and excitement. The challenge, however, is whether you can keep it up! As with all Pages, the beginning always looks promising but something else is needed in order to maintain the pace.

excitement without understanding; childlike curiosity, experimenting with life, discovering
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

XII, Swords

assertive, direct, impatient, intellectual, daring, focused, perfectionist, ambitious

rude, tactless, forceful, bully, aggressive, vicious, ruthless, arrogant

Knight of Swords

Ideas: full speed ahead; ambition without responsibility

Message: charge forward with clear purpose & decisiveness

Warning: you might benefit from slowing down & considering risks

I.E. one with full intent to succeed

Album Art: Middle Cyclone, Neko Case

Biddy Desc: The Knight of Swords is a powerful figure full of life and energy who needs to be balanced with a realisation of responsibility and compassion. Once he has set forth on his journey, there is no stopping him! He does not see, nor care about, any upcoming challenges, risks or dangers, and instead moves forward with his strong intent to succeed and win.

action without thoughtfulness; teenagers - passionate but a bit erratic; knights act quickly & are full of charm; typically lack the balance needed for insightful decision making
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

XIII, Swords

honest, independent, principled, fair, constructive criticism, objective, perceptive

pessimistic, malicious, manipulative, harsh, bitter, spiteful, cruel, deceitful, unforgiving

Queen of Swords

Ideas: use unbiased intelligence to make decisions

Message: do not be distracted by empathy or compassion

I.E. a woman unafraid to speak her mind

Album Art: Nightclubbing, Grace Jones

Biddy Desc: The Queen of Swords is a sign that you need to be independent in thought and in judgement. You must use your unbiased intelligence in order to make a judgement of a particular situation, drawing upon every piece of information and fact that you have gathered along the way. Empathy or compassion towards others may distract you from the task at hand, so it is important that you think with your head and not with your heart at this particular time. Do not let emotion get in the way. Rather, use fact and logic to make your decisions.

leadership, maturity, protection, care, support; motherly; queens excel at leadership through collaboration, connecting with those in need
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

XIV, Swords

reason, authority, discipline, integrity, morality, serious, high standards, strict

irrational, dictator, oppressive, inhumane, controlling, cold, ruthless, dishonest

King of Swords

Ideas: disciplined authority with emotions in check

Message: look to morality & integrity to help make decisions

I.E. a leader who values truth & integrity above all else

Album Art: Cole World, J. Cole

Biddy Desc: The King of Swords is a symbol of intellectual power and authority, and has the courage and intellect to accomplish all that he desires. He represents judgement, command, and rulership. His character indicates the stern leadership of a judge, lawyer, or military commander whose emotions must be kept in check under the pressure of battle.

leadership, maturity, action, responsibility; fatherly
logic, intelligence, truth, ambition, conflict, communication

I, Pentacles

new opportunities, resources, abundance, prosperity, security, stability, manifestation

missed chances, scarcity, deficiency, instability, stinginess, bad investments

Ace of Pentacles

Ideas: manifesting, alignment, prosperity within reach

Message: you have the stability to make your dreams come true

I.E. a person with a smart, long-term plan

Album Art: 2112, Rush

Biddy Desc: A powerful card in the tarot deck that signifies new beginnings, opportunities for prosperity, and the potential for abundance. It represents stability and security while working towards making dreams come true. This card also presents an opportunity to focus on health as part of overall well-being.

new beginnings, sparks, decisions
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

II, Pentacles

balancing resources, adaptation, resourcefulness, flexibility, stretching resources

imbalance, unorganised, overwhelmed, messiness, chaos, overextending

Two of Pentacles

Ideas: balancing resources, flexibility; keep calm & carry on

Message: changes are in the works; stay calm, gather information

Warning: do not allow circumstances to hustle you no matter how urgent they might appear

I.E. one who juggles responsibilities gracefully

Album Art: Parachutes, Coldplay

Biddy Desc: The Two of Pentacles counsels patience, so do not allow circumstances to hustle you. You have all the time you need to work this out, no matter how urgent things appear right now. When the Two of Pentacles comes up in your Tarot reading, changes are in the works, but you will do better to stay calm until you have more information.

pairings & choices, balance, partnership, collaboration, opposition, duplicity; inner contradition - must reference cards around them
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

III, Pentacles

teamwork, shared goals, collaboration, apprenticeship, effort, pooling energy

lack of cohesion, lack of teamwork, apathy, poor motivation, conflict, ego, competition

Three of Pentacles

Ideas: turning great visions into realities

Message: enjoy what you do; collaborate & dedicate yourself to improvement

Warning: stay focused on the task at hand

I.E. a master of craftsmanship

Album Art: Check Your Head, Beastie Boys

Biddy Desc: Traditionally the Tarot card of genius. It often depicts a master craftsman consulting with his colleagues on how to complete a masterwork. When the Three of Pentacles arises in your Tarot reading, it is a message to enjoy what you do, and to stay focused on the task at hand. Through realistic plans, collaboration, and a dedication to improvement, you can turn your great visions into realities.

creating, connecting, growth, dynamism, decision, change; always speaks of a specific action, good or bad
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

IV, Pentacles

possessiveness, insecurity, hoarding, stinginess, stability, security, savings, materialism, wealth, frugality, boundaries, guardedness

generosity, giving, spending, openness, financial insecurity, reckless spending

Four of Pentacles

Ideas: paradox of material security

Message: materialism & finances are not equal to true contentment

I.E. a hoarder or miser

Album Art: KOD, J. Cole

Biddy Desc: The Four of Pentacles represents the paradox of material security -- the double-edged reality that comes when you have been well supported and protected, yet this prosperity brings the pressure of big decisions and responsibilities. You may be holding on too tightly, trying desperately to maintain control, and would benefit by loosening your attachment to your finances and other materialistic concerns; these are not the ways to true contentment.

stability, security, rest, stagnation, boredome; influenced by the reading it is surrounded by
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

V, Pentacles

hardship, loss, isolation, feeling abandoned, adversity, struggle, unemployment, alienation, disgrace

positive changes, recovery from loss, overcoming adversity, forgiveness, feeling welcomed

Five of Pentacles

Ideas: misplaced desire & gratification; adversity; disgrace

Message: be discerning in what you go after

Warning: your self worth will be affected by material/financial setbacks if they are your driving forces in life

I.E. a person experiencing homelessness

Album Art: Pinkerton, Weezer

Biddy Desc: The card of desire and gratification. Doing something for short-term gratification will often lead to long-term disappointment. This Tarot card encourages you to be discerning in what you go after. When money and success are your driving forces in life, a setback in these areas can deliver a great blow to your esteem.

instability, crisis, conflict, damage; struggles and obstacles, real or imaginary
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

VI, Pentacles

generosity, charity, community, material help, support, sharing, giving and receiving, gratitude

power dynamics, abuse of generosity, strings attached gifts, inequality, extortion

Six of Pentacles

Ideas: balance of giving and receiving

Message: pay it forward when you are able & you will receive

Warning: be aware of your motives; seek altruism

I.E. a charitable person

Album Art: Clouds, Joni Mitchell

Biddy Desc: The card of patronage and generosity, with all the strings attached. It’s about giving and receiving, and the balance that must be stricken between the two. When you give or loan your time, money, knowledge, or support to others, you are paying back the universe for times you’ve received aid in the past. Pay forward this generosity when you are able to do so, to maintain the karmic cycle.

community, the new normal, support, balance, hope, victories, ideals
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

VII, Pentacles

harvest, rewards, results, growth, progress, perseverance, patience, planning

unfinished work, procrastination, low effort, waste, lack of growth, setbacks, impatience, lack of reward

Seven of Pentacles

Ideas: slow & steady wins the race

Message: put in the work that is required to reap the rewards

Warning: no excuses; finish what you started

I.E. a hardworking farmer

Album Art: Stoney, Post Malone

Biddy Desc: The Seven of Pentacles is about putting in the work that is required. The traditional concept of this Tarot card is cultivation -- the attitude that slow and steady wins the race. This is a "no excuses" card -- its message is to keep your head down and finish what you started. The more vigilant you are over a project, the more likely you are to get the results you want.

reflection, assessment, knowledge, magic, solutions
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

VIII, Pentacles

skill, talent, craftsmanship, quality, high standards, expertise, mastery, commitment, dedication, accomplishment

lack of quality, rushed job, bad reputation, lack of motivation, mediocrity, laziness, low skill, dead-end job

Eight of Pentacles

Ideas: do the work, get the job done well

Message: regularly seek ways to improve

Warning: put energy into maintaining a more balanced life and perspective

I.E. a highly skilled craftsman

Album Art: Scarecrow, John Mellencamp

Biddy Desc: A card of work and improvement. We see here the successful artisan spending time at his bench, hammering out his work. But this card is not just about getting the job done, it’s about doing the job well, and regularly seeking ways to improve and refine any details. Continue in your current project or education, but put energy into maintaining a more balanced life and perspective.

speed, power, infinity, transformation, justice, the unknown; endurance and resilience
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

IX, Pentacles

rewarded efforts, success, achievement, independence, leisure, material security, self-sufficiency

being guarded, living beyond means, material instability, reckless spending, superficiality

Nine of Pentacles

Ideas: financial success; achievement; self-sufficiency

Message: live confidently, act gracefully, and make your needs a priority

Warning: hard work & sacrifice are required

I.E. an old, retired rich guy in a mansion

Album Art: Pink Friday 2, Nicki Minaj

Biddy Desc: Represents financial security, self-sufficiency, accomplishment, and independence. The figure on this Tarot card is able to sustain his or her fortune and live a life of rest and luxury, but it has come through much hard work, time, and sacrifice. Be sure you are balancing your own hard work with rest and reward. The message here is to live confidently, act gracefully, and to make your needs a priority.

independence, solitude, profusion, climax, momentum; the worst or the very best - total isolation or the profusion of love
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

X, Pentacles

legacy, roots, family, ancestry, inheritance, windfall, foundations, privilege, affluence, stability, tradition

family disputes, bankruptcy, debt, fleeting success, conflict over money, instability, breaking traditions

Ten of Pentacles

Ideas: positive final result of long-term efforts

Message: ensure your decisions will get you closer to your goals

Warning: think long-term

I.E. one with a great inheritance

Album Art: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beatles

Biddy Desc: The Ten of Pentacles represents the final result of very long-term efforts that culminate in wealth, abundance, legacies, and completion. This is a card of great accomplishment and pride, and can be an indicator of retirement, inheritance, investments, and comfort later in life. A reminder to think long-term and ensure all your decisions will get you closer to your goals.

completion, endings, exit, closure; the end of a cycle - increases the power of the suit
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

XI, Pentacles

ambitious, diligent, goal oriented, planner, consistent, star student, studious, grounded, loyal, faithful, dependable

foolish, immature, irresponsible, lazy, underachiever, procrastinator, missed chances, poor prospects

Page of Pentacles

Ideas: putting in the groundwork to achieve success

Message: stay diligent; enthusiasm plus focus can lead to success

I.E. an entrepeneur

Album Art: Nevermind, Nirvana

Biddy Desc: The Page of Pentacles is a card of dreams and the desire to manifest those dreams in the material world. You may be in the midst of a new project such as a hobby, business venture, or the beginning of a new educational experience. In any case, the Page is a sign of enthusiasm and desire, focused around a goal or a ‘dream’.

excitement without understanding; childlike curiosity, experimenting with life, discovering
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

XII, Pentacles

practical, reliable, efficient, stoic, slow and steady, hard-working, committed, patient, conservative

workaholic, laziness, dull, boring, no initiative, cheap, irresponsible, gambler, risky investments

Knight of Pentacles

Ideas: practical, conservative; gets the job done

Message: responsibility & commitment can outweigh innovation

I.E. a methodical & patient planner

Album Art: Johnny Cash at Sun, Johnny Cash

Biddy Desc: The Knight of Pentacles works in a very methodical and rigorous manner. Though his visions may not be earth-shattering, and his methods are certainly not original, the Knight of Pentacles sees that everything he undertakes will meet with nothing but success. He has the patience to accomplish all his tasks and he is incredibly reliable due to his sense of responsibility and commitment. As a court card, the Knight of Pentacles may represent a part of yourself, someone in your life or an event.

action without thoughtfulness; teenagers - passionate but a bit erratic; knights act quickly & are full of charm; typically lack the balance needed for insightful decision making
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

XIII, Pentacles

generous, caring, nurturing, practical, comforting, welcoming, sensible, luxurious

selfish, unkempt, jealous, insecure, greedy, materialistic, gold digger, intolerant, self-absorbed, envious

Queen of Pentacles

Ideas: nice things, a comforting home; sensibility

Message: strive for warmth & security for yourself and those you love

I.E. a motherly kitchen witch with an investment portfolio

Album Art: Dangerously In Love, Beyonce

Biddy Desc: The Queen of Pentacles is a very ‘motherly’ card, expressing practical energy. She is the original Earth Mother. She shows her love for others by cooking, cleaning, keeping a warm and inviting home and bringing in a decent income to support the family financially. She is also able to work a full-time job, take care of the children, keep the house clean, and still have time to read the business section of the newspaper. She probably has her very own bank account or investment portfolio that nobody else knows about. She strives to create a warm and secure environment for her family and loved ones, and gives love and support freely.

leadership, maturity, protection, care, support; motherly; queens excel at leadership through collaboration, connecting with those in need
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

XIV, Pentacles

abundance, prosperity, security, ambitious, safe, kind, patriarchal, protective, businessman, provider, sensual, reliable

greed, materialistic, wasteful, chauvinist, poor financial decisions, gambler, exploitative, possessive

King of Pentacles

Ideas: safety, security, trustworthiness

Message: be generous to yourself and those you love

I.E. a fatherly figure who loves to provide

Album Art: The Blueprint, Jay-Z

Biddy Desc: The King of Pentacles represents abundance, security, ambition, power, stability, discipline, trustworthiness and control. He is a fatherly figure who likes to take care of others through providing advice, guidance and wisdom, as well as more material aspects such as financial support and wealth. He is a true provider and generates a lot of his self-worth from what he has accumulated and what he can share with others.

leadership, maturity, action, responsibility; fatherly
material things, security, stability, health, nature, prosperity

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