The firstmost ruleis easily had:
Red cards are goodand black cards are bad.
The secondmost ruleshall bring greater fruits:
It deals with the meaningsof each of the suits.
The Hearts count as love,family, and friends.
Diamonds are money,wealth, means, and ends.
Clubs shall mean work,callings, and plans,
And Spades are the troublesthat plague every man.
The thirdmost ruletoward number inclines;
Just note the card's pipand read here their signs:
An Ace brings beginnings,and Two gives exchange,
Three shows things growing,but Four does not change.
Five is the body,its health and its stead,
Six shows a paththat the Seeker shall tread.
Seven brings troublesthat Fate has assigned,
While Eight shows ideasand thoughts in the mind.
Nine heralds changes,and Ten is the end,
While Kings are the symbolsof power and men.
Queens are the emblemsof women and truth,
A Knave is a message,a girl, or a youth.
R B B: A fair beginning steadily worsens and turns foul.
B B R: A light at the end of the tunnel.
R R B: A problem is on the horizon.
B R R: A problem will be solved, things will steadily improve.
R B R: A small delay or problem will be overcome.
B R B: A temporary truce or rest. Do not let down your guard; appearances can be deceiving.
R R R: All is fair and fine.
B B B: Beset by problems and hardship.
♠♥♠: a troubled heart
♠♦♠: a troubled purse
♠♣♠: a troubled will; inability to act; feeling trapped; labor without gain
♠♠♠: trouble, trouble, and more trouble
♣♦♣: much work, but only little profit
♦♣♦: money making affairs or financial activity
♥♦♥: generosity, a giving heart
♦♥♦: enjoying the fruits of one's labor with loved ones
♦♠♦: a financial problem is overcome
♥♠♥: a emotional problem is overcome (easily; see below)
♣♠♣: a problem is overcome at work or on a personal project.
♣♥♠: working yourself into an emotional problem
♠♥♣: an emotional problem that you will work out of.
♥♠♣: an emotional problem that you will work out of, but slowly.
♣♦♠: working yourself into a financial problem
♠♦♣: a financial problem that you will work out of.
♦♠♣: a financial problem that you will work out of, but slowly.
♣♠♠: working in the wrong direction; obstacles are ahead, so the goal
♣♦♦: working in the right direction for financial success.
♣♥♥: working in the right direction for emotional success.
♦♠♥: a financial problem is overcome easily.
2♣2♦: Financial assistance or loan needed
2♣2♥: a second marriage
2♣2♥6♥: a second honeymoon
2♣2♠: a person will help the Seeker do something
2♣4♠8♠: Giving testimony in court; the 8♠ is the jury here; it may be the Q or K of ♠ to represent a judge, however
2♣5♦8♣: Waiter/waitress
2♣6♣: going back to school or teaching
2♣6♣8♣: A teacher
2♣7♠A♣: A partnership will be a source of worries until a common goal gives birth to a new beginning
2♣8♣: changing jobs a second time
2♣8♣3♦: Second job; moonlighting
2♣8♦: Bank loan
2♣8♦6♦: Car loan from bank
2♣8♦A♥: Mortgage with bank
2♣9♣: The Seeker helps someone get a new job
2♣A♣: Business proposal
2♣♣: some practical assistance
2♣♣♣: a person (court card) is coming back into your life
2♣♣♣2♥: a second chance at romance with a person
2♣♣♣3♥: a second chance at romance with a person
2♣♣♣A♥: a second chance at romance with a person
2♣♣♣♥: a former boyfriend/girlfriend comes back on the scene
2♣♦: possibly financial help
2♣♥: moral or emotional support
2♣Q3♥: a woman having another child
2♣♠: to overcome a problem; troubles in a partnership
2♣T♥: a second marriage
2♦2♥8♥: Invitation to a wedding
2♦4♣8♥: Invitation to a bar, to go drinking
2♦4♠A♠: Jury duty summons
2♦5♦: Invitation to go out to dinner
2♦5♦♥: Gift of jewelry
2♦6♦: Long-distance telephone call
2♦6♦3♦: Paying off a car loan bit-by-bit
2♦6♠: Turning down an invitation
2♦6♠5♠: Turning down an invitation because of illness
2♦8♥: Invitation to a party
2♦8♥4♠: Invitation to a party the Seeker is forced to go to out of obligation
2♦A♥: Invitation to someone’s home; look for cards indicating a friend or family member, distance, or travel, such as the 5, K, or Q of ♥, the 6♦ or 6♥, or two Tens together
2♦♣♣: A phonecall made from the Seeker
2♦J: A communication or message, the content of which depends on the Jack’s suit
2♦J♥: Invitation to go on a date; small gift to show appreciation
2♥2♠6♠: Divorce following a period of separation
2♥3♦6♣: Writing a book
2♥3♥: An artist of some type
2♥3♥♣: A craftsman
2♥3♥♦: An artist dealing with words, like a poet or writer
2♥3♥♥: An artist dealing with painting or music
2♥3♥♠: A dramatic actor
2♥3♥T♠: Worried about the development of a romantic relationship
2♥3♠: Someone trying to break up a romance
2♥5♥: Sexual relations
2♥5♠9♠: An abusive marriage owing to some addiction
2♥5♠T♠: An abusive marriage owing to some addiction
2♥6♥: A honeymoon trip
2♥6♠4♥: Close to divorce, but makes up after separation
2♥6♠♠: Divorce, look for the K or Q of ♠ nearby; it is also possible that it will be the T♥ representing the marriage
2♥8♥: a wedding; lovers' sweet talk
2♥A♦: Artistic creativity; if a K (power) or Q (truth) is the third card, it could be a creative genius
2♥A♠: Ending a relationship
2♥♣♣3♠: Forcing attentions on someone that doesn’t want it
2♥♣♣T♠: Forcing attentions on someone that doesn’t want it; bordering on harassment or stalking
2♥♠: Trouble in relationship
2♥♠J♠: Lovesick person, unrequited love; may be the 3♥, instead
2♥T♦T♥: A happy and successful marriage to a wealthy person
2♥T♦T♠: Marriage solely for money or financial gain
2♥T♠: Worry about marriage or marriage partner; may also be fear of commitment
2♠4♠: Constant conflict, harassment
2♠4♠9♠: Possible stalking
2♠4♠T♠: Possible stalking
2♠6♦T♦: Getting rid of an old car, buying a new one
2♠7♦6♦: Astral projection; a journeying consciousness
2♠7♦T♦: Astral projection; a journeying consciousness
2♠8♠: Conflict, harsh words involving a group of people
2♠♣♣: A person who has left will be coming back
2♠T♠: Worry over separation
3♣3♦: Extra duties, but some extra pay, too
3♣3♥: New haircut; decorative garden
3♣4♠A♠: Jury duty
3♣5♦8♣: Caterer
3♣5♥: Herbalism; if with a Court, an herbalist
3♣8♣: On-the-job training
3♣T♦: Extra duties, but a great increase in pay
3♦2♠9♠: An increase in wealth will cause a split, with the result that what you most wish for will be denied to you Keep your priorities in perspective
3♦3♠: Losing a small amount of money
3♦5♣: Purse or handbag (small amount of money, practical, hand)
3♦5♣3♠: Losing purse
3♦6♦T♦: Small amount invested brings great profits
3♦7♣: Unexpectedly receiving small amounts of money
3♦9♣8♣: Part-time employment turning full-time
3♦A♥: Small amount spent on house or family
3♥2♠: Breaking off the relationship before it gets too serious
3♥3♠: Love triangle that causes problems or someone trying to break up a developing romance
3♥4♣5♥: an amusement park
3♥5♥: Childhood friend or child making a friend
3♥6♠: Breaking off the relationship before it gets too serious
3♥8♣: Hearing about a pregnancy at work
3♥8♥: A baby shower
3♥A♥: A baby to be born
3♥A♠3♠: Miscarriage; the 5♠ may also be present
3♥♣♣3♠: Forcing attentions on someone that doesn’t want it
3♥♣♣♠: Trying to get close to a person, but it won’t be successful
3♥J: A young child
3♥J♥: A baby to be born
3♠6♥: Overcoming small obstacles
3♠8♣: Losing a job
3♠T♣: Lots of small tasks piling up
4♣: Showing outside places:
4♣2♥: a museum or theater
4♣2♥5♣: a dance club
4♣2♥5♦: Bridal shop
4♣3♣: a park
4♣3♥: a daycare center or nursery school
4♣3♥5♣: a playground
4♣3♥6♥: a children's camp
4♣3♥Q♦: a beauty parlor
4♣3♥Q♥: a beauty parlor
4♣4♦: a bank
4♣4♥: a hotel
4♣4♥T♥: a seaside hotel
4♣4♠: a Court of law
4♣5♣: a health club
4♣5♦: a restaurant or a picnic
4♣5♦9♦: A thriving business
4♣5♦♦: a store or shopping center
4♣5♦T♦: A thriving business
4♣5♥: a place of amusement
4♣5♥3♥: an amusement park
4♣5♥5♣: a sports arena
4♣5♥Q: a ladies social club
4♣5♠: a hospital
4♣5♠A♥: a nursing home
4♣6♣: a school or college
4♣7♥: a church
4♣8♣: one’s office
4♣8♦and8♣: an accountant’s office
4♣8♥K: a men’s social club
4♣8♥: Drinking at a bar or social club
4♣8♠: covenstead
4♣A♥: a home office
4♣A♠: a funeral home or cemetery
4♣J♣7♣: indicates an elemental spirit attached to the land; the spirit's nature is consonant with air
4♣J♦7♦: indicates an elemental spirit attached to the land; the spirit's nature is consonant with fire
4♣J♥7♥: indicates an elemental spirit attached to the land; the spirit's nature is consonant with water
4♣J♠7♠: indicates an elemental spirit attached to the land; the spirit's nature is consonant with earth
4♣♠: Plans are not on a firm footing; faulty planning
4♣T♥: Beach
4♦2♠3♦: Taking a small amount of money from a bank account; if T♦, then a larger sum
4♦4♠: Legal documents
4♦6♦: Driver’s license; if also with 3♠ or 4♠
4♦6♦3♠: driver’s license suspended
4♦6♦4♠: driver’s license suspended
4♦8♣: A license to practice a profession
4♦♠7♦: Overdrawn on a bank account
4♦♠♠: One’s financial security is threatened
4♥6♥4♣: Camping trip to a rustic cottage
4♥A♥: Moving from apartment to house
4♠2♥: Unstable marriage
4♠3♥4♦: Adoption of a child
4♠8♣T♦: Business starts slowly, then takes off and prospers
4♠T♥: Unstable marriage
59♠5♠: Injury to hands or feet
5♣4♣2♥: a dance club
5♣4♣3♥: a playground
5♣4♣5♥: a sports arena
5♣4♣7♣: a casino or better parlor
5♣4♣8♣: a racehorse track
5♣4♣♦: a casino or better parlor
5♣4♠: Working oneself into exhaustion; need to slow down
5♣A: Taking up a new hobby or sport:
5♣A♣: a sport or something done with hands
5♣A♦: something intellectual
5♣A♥: something creative
5♣A♠: maybe something dangerous, like mountain climbing
5♣J♠T♠: Possible spirit possession (not demonic); a difficult one to read; the 5♣ would indicate that the spirit had at least some control of the motor function; the combination may also be formed with some other Fives, but the suit of the 5 would indicate the spirit’s main focus (appetites, motor function, mind)
5♣T♦: Working very hard, but the money makes it worth it
5♣T♥: Swimming
5♣T♥2♣: Lifeguard
5♣T♥5♠: Dangerous waters or water accident; any ♠ following the swimming cards is not good
5♣T♥6♣: Learning to swim
5♣T♥8♣: Swimming instructor or working at a pool
5♣T♥A♠: Dangerous waters or water accident; any ♠ following the swimming cards is not good
5♦2♦: Shopping
5♦3♥: Buying new clothes
5♦3♥9♦: A makeover
5♦3♠: Losing a piece of jewelry
5♦5♠: Stomach problem
5♦5♠9♠: Stomach problem; possibly an eating disorder
5♦5♠T♠: Stomach problem; possibly an eating disorder
5♦6♠: Cleaning out closets, paring down household items; A♥ or 4♥ may be present
5♦9♦8♦: This Seeker has money to burn It shows a great deal of shopping for clothes, furniture, etc The person wants a makeover of sorts, and is using financial resources to make it happen
5♦T♠3♠: Theft of jewelry
5♥2♣T♦: Business venture with a friend; a lot of money will be made
5♥3♥J♥: Ménage à trois
5♥7♣: Game of chance
5♥7♣♦: Winning a game of chance
5♥7♣♠: Losing a game of chance
5♥8♦: Going to the movies; 4♣ may be present, meaning movie theater
5♥J♠5♠: Sexually-transmitted disease
5♥Q♠: Sexual indiscretion
5♥Q♠3♠: Sexual indiscretion; showing a third-party
5♥Q♠T♠: Worry over sexual indiscretion
5♥T♦T♥: Health, wealth, and happiness (and opportunity to travel)
5♥T♠9♠: Rape
5♠2♣: Nurse; 8♣ may be present
5♠2♦: Getting sick pay
5♠2♠: Operation
5♠3♦: Getting sick pay
5♠♥: Health will improve
6♣2♥: Learning to dance
6♣4♦: A diploma or school certificate
6♣4♦3♣: Report card
6♣5♦: Bookstore
6♣5♠: doctorate
6♣7♣: Studying occultism
6♣7♦: Studying psychism
6♣7♦3♣: Studying psychism and making progress
6♣8♣: Education for a job
6♣8♦: Television
6♣9♣: Education to change jobs
6♣9♦: computer or a very successful business trip
6♣J♣: from a trade school
6♣J♦: college degree
6♣K♠: master’s degree
6♣T♦: Very successful business trip
6♦2♣: Used car
6♦3♦♠: Putting some money into your car, but it doesn’t fix the problem
6♦3♠: Losing on investments
6♦5♣: Motorcycle
6♦5♠: “Sick car,” needs a mechanic
6♦5♠2♠: “Sick car,” needs a mechanic; the mechanic will tell you to get rid of it
6♦6♠2♣: Getting rid of a car, getting another one, probably a used car
6♦7♣: Investment
6♦7♣3♣: Investment growing slowly
6♦7♣3♦: Investment growing slowly
6♦7♣8♣: Investment banker
6♦7♣T♣: Investment growing
6♦7♣T♦: Investment growing quickly
6♦7♦: Poor investment
6♦8♣: Mechanic
6♦A♦: Money spent on the car; likely a new car
6♦A♥: Looking for a house; seeing it as an investment
6♦♣♣: Person returning from a journey
6♦♦: Money spent on the car; look to nearby cards to determine why the money is being spent (repair, decoration, etc)
6♦Q♠5♥: This divorced woman is focusing on her financial goals and will make progress with regard to them However, she is feeling tired and may need to take a vacation She is overtaxing her body somewhat
6♦♠: Car trouble
6♦T♣5♥: Taking an airplane trip to see a friend at a distance
6♦T♣A♥: Taking an airplane trip to see a family member at a distance
6♦T♣T♥: Taking an airplane trip at a distance for a wedding
6♦T♣T♠: Car trouble on a trip, possibly a flat tire (because the ♣ is air; if it were the T♥, a problem with car fluids)
6♦T♦: Money spent on the car; likely a new car
6♦T♦4♠: Beware of get-rich-quick scheme
6♦T♠: Worried about a car
6♥4♣: Camping trip
6♥4♣3♥: a children's camp
6♥4♣4♥: Camping trip in a camping trailer
6♥4♣T♥: trip to the beach
6♥5♥3♥: Family trip to an amusement park
6♥8♠4♣: Traveling to Sabbatstead
6♥A♣: Making good progress toward a goal
6♠6♥: Walking away & walking toward something better; especially if another red card follows; “the best thing you could have done”
6♠8♣: Losing the job and looking for a new one
6♠8♠: Running with the wrong crowd
6♠9♥: Walking away & walking toward something better; especially if another red card follows; “the best thing you could have done”
6♠A♥9♣: Changing jobs and moving away
6♠T♥: Walking away & walking toward something better; especially if another red card follows; “the best thing you could have done”
7♣2♥: Love spell
7♣5♥: Chance meeting with a friend
7♣A♦: Money spell
7♣A♥♠: Trouble at work affecting home life
7♦5♥♣♣: A psychic healer
7♦8♣: Professional psychic
7♦8♣J♠: A medium or necromancer or other psychic that works with the dead
7♦♣♣: Person has psychic ability
7♥2♠8♣: Emotionally upset about conflict at work
7♥3♠6♥: Several minor troubles in the relationship, but things will improve
7♥3♠T♥: Several minor troubles in a marital relationship, but things will improve
7♥8: Prayer, involving a subject shown by the Eight’s suit
7♥K♥: God, in general
7♥Q♥: Goddess, in general
7♠A♠A♦: Initiation into the Mysteries
7♠J♥7♥: The seeker’s troubled mind will be calmed by a letter from a loved one
7♠Q♥: Uncovering the truth
8♣3♦: Somewhat thriving business
8♣5♣4♣: a racehorse track
8♣6♠: Quitting or leaving the job
8♣8♦: An accountant
8♣9♣: Interviewing for a new job
8♣9♣3♦: Full-time employment cut down to part-time
8♣A♣A♦: This Seeker will have a promotion and salary raise at work New duties bring more money
8♣A♠: Quitting the job
8♣♣♣♣♣: Business conference
8♣T♦: thriving business; profit increase
8♦3♦: Budgeting money bit by bit
8♦3♦5♦: Budgeting money for clothes, jewelry, etc
8♦3♦6♦: Budgeting money for a car
8♦3♦6♥: Budgeting money for a vacation
8♦3♦9♦: Budgeting money for clothes, jewelry, etc
8♦3♦A♥: Budgeting money for a house
8♦3♦♣: Budgeting money for a practical purpose
8♦4♦: Savings plan
8♦A♦: Making financial plans for a new beginning
8♦♣: Need to work on budgeting money
8♦♠: Expense that cannot be afforded; unwise spending; need to budget
8♥5♠: Too much partying, drinking, revelry; getting drunk
8♥5♠7♠: Alcoholism
8♥5♠8♣: Bartender
8♥5♠9♠: Alcoholism
8♥J♥: Flirtation
8♠2♥: Peace restored after strife
8♠5♣4♥: The Seeker has an active mind that focuses more on negative things than positive A regimen of physical exercise will help him or her restore emotional balance
8♠5♥: Sabbat
8♠A♥7♣: Home needs spiritual purification
8♠♣♣: Person with a poor attitude
9A♠: Reinforces the idea of the change indicated by the Nine, making it a big change
9T♠: Fear of change, the type of change indicated by the 9’s suit
9♣2♣: Someone helps the Seeker get a new job
9♣9♦: Change in job with finances improving
9♣A♣: change of jobs with new responsibilities or desire to change jobs
9♣A♣8♥: Celebrating a promotion
9♣T♦: Changing jobs with a big raise in pay
9♥3♥5♥: friends becoming romantically involved
9♥3♥♣♣: Wish for deepening love comes true
9♥4♠: Unsure of what to wish for
9♥A♣3♠: Opportunity lost for the wish to be fulfilled
9♥A♥: Traditionally, a fortunate combination meaning the achievement of the heart’s desire in one’s own house
9♥♣: Wish will come true, but requires work to maintain
9♥♣♣T♥: One’s dream spouse If a 7 is also nearby, it is a strong karmic relationship in which the two people are perfect complements of one another
9♥♦: Reinforces wish coming true
9♥♥: Reinforces wish coming true
9♥J♥: A foolish wish or an unrealistic wish
9♥Q♠: A foolish wish or an unrealistic wish
9♥♠♠: Wish fulfilled, but problems ahead; be careful what you wish for
9♥T♦4♦: The Seeker’s wish for financial independence and a large bank account will be fulfilled
9♥T♠: Afraid wish will not come true
9♠4♥: Getting what one deserves, comeuppance
A♣3♦: New job duties, with a small raise in pay
A♣9♥: The opportunity to fulfill your heart’s desire
A♣Q♦: A financial opportunity that is as good as it sounds
A♣T♦: New job duties, with a large raise in pay
A♦2♦: A gift of money
A♦2♥: An engagement to be married; J♥ may be present
A♦3♦4♦: Very successful business trip
A♦3♠: Losing money
A♦4♦3♦: Opening a new bank account with a small deposit; if T♦, then a larger deposit
A♦7♠: A letter containing sad tidings
A♦8♦7♠: Tax audit
A♦8♦K♠: Paying taxes; K♠ is the government here; usually only appears if there is going to be a problem with taxes, such as inability to pay
A♦9♠: A letter containing sad tidings
A♦T♥: An engagement to be married; J♥ may be present
A♦T♠: A destructive fire, if with A♥, in the home; with 6♦, in a car; if the 5♠ or 9♠ is nearby, there could be injuries
A♥2♣3♦: Seeker receives minor financial assistance from a family member
A♥2♥: Family wedding
A♥3♣T♠: Steps taken to protect the home from crime or accident
A♥3♥: Redecorating the home
A♥3♠3♥: Remodeling the home
A♥4♣5♠: a nursing home
A♥4♦: Contract to sell home or real estate license
A♥4♦3♦: This trio shows the value of the Seeker’s home appreciating in value over time
A♥4♦8♣: Real estate agent
A♥4♥: A condominium, or moving from house to apartment
A♥6♦: A garage
A♥6♥: Motor home, RV
A♥6♠: Independence from family, moving away from family
A♥6♠4♥: Moving out of the family home and getting your own apartment
A♥7♣: Occult work in the home
A♥8♣: A builder, a businessman who builds homes
A♥8♣9♦: Going back to work after being at home, with the 9♦ showing improved financial conditions
A♥8♣♠: Do not mix business and pleasure; work is interfering with home life
A♥9♠3♥: Remodeling the home
A♥♣♣: Family-oriented person
A♥♣♣3♥: New love interest, developing love affair
A♥♣♣3♠: Forcing attentions on someone that doesn’t want it
A♥♣♣♣♣: Family reunion
A♥J♠7♠: Spirit in house, causing problems
A♥K♣: A builder, a businessman who builds homes
A♥T♠3♠: Burglary of home
A♠2♥: A big decision about a relationship, generally favorable because ♥ falls second
A♠4♦: A will; if the person who made the will is deceased, you will likely see the 7♠, 9♠, or T♠ too, showing tears, grief
A♠4♠: Inability to make a decision; confusion
A♠5♠: A decision that you will regret
A♠6♠: Wrong decision
A♠8: A decision to be made on the subject of the Eight’s suit; with the 8♠, a possible interpretation is inability to make a decision
A♠8♣: A decision about work
♣9♥: Work is necessary for the wish to be fulfilled
♣A♦T♥: Second engagement; this time leading to marriage
♣K♠♣: A politician
♣♣2♣♣♣: Two people helping each other or in partnership
♣♣2♦: A phonecall received from someone
♣♣2♥♣♣: Love at first sight
♣♣2♠: A person leaving your life, environment, etc
♣♣3♥: A person loves children or wants children
♣♣3♥♣♣: Two people falling in love gradually
♣♣5♥♣♣: Friendship developing between two people
♣♣5♠7♠: Going to the doctor for tests
♣♣6♦: Person leaving for a journey
♣♣6♥♣♣: Deepening emotional bond between two people
♣♣9♥: Wish fulfilled through the agency of the person represented; note the suit of the Court, however, if a ♠, possibly an enemy working against your wish
♣♣A♠7♥: Born-again Christian
♣♣♣♣♣♣: An event with a group of people Judge from the suits, particularly of the last card, whether the Seeker will have a good time if it is a social event or a successful outcome if it’s a business event
♣♣♦9♦T♦: A person of wealth and affluence
♣♣T♠: Seeker is worried about a person, and the person is worried
♣♣♠♣♣♥: Particularly where the ♥ is the 2, 4, 9, or T, reconciliation between a separated couple
♦4♣5♦: a store or shopping center
♦A♦♦: Beginning a period of financial prosperity
♦T♠3♠: Theft of money or valuables
♥2♦♥: Gift from a loved one
♥8♣♠: Do not mix business and pleasure
♥8♠♥: Imagines problems that don’t exist
♥♣♣A♣3♠: Task of taking care of a family member
J4♠J: Court case; the two Jacks show attorneys
JJ5♥: An outing with young people
JJ6♥: An outing with young people
J♣Q♣: Shows a couple if paired with a love card
J♦Q♦: Shows a couple if paired with a love card
J♥2♥5♣: A date to go dancing
J♥Q♥: Shows a couple if paired with a love card
J♠2♣8♦: This young person will need some financial assistance and may seek a loan
J♠6♠5♥: Troubled youth running away; he’s at a friend’s house
J♠7♦T♦: Astral projection in fetch form
J♠Q♠: Shows a couple if paired with a love card
K♣5♥7♣: Psychic healing (the K represents power here)
K♣5♥7♦: Psychic healing (the K represents power here)
K♣5♥7♥: Psychic faith healing (the K represents power here)
K♣7♣2♠: Trouble with the boss at work
K♣Q♣: Shows a couple if paired with a love card
K♦3♦5♠: The man of wealth must learn to value his health more than his possessions
K♦Q♦: Shows a couple if paired with a love card
K♥5♠7♠: Going to the doctor for tests
K♥9♥Q♥: Also one’s dream spouse
K♥♥K: A gay man, particularly where the middle ♥ is a 2, 3, 5, 9, or even T
K♥Q♥: Shows a couple if paired with a love card
K♠4♣K: Jail
K♠4♠K: Police investigation or arrest
K♠6♠K: Taken away by the police
K♠K: Police
K♠Q♠: Shows a couple if paired with a love card
K♠T♠K: Criminal action interrupted by the police
Q4♣5♥: a ladies social club
Q♥♥Q: a lesbian, particularly where the middle ♥ is a 2, 3, 5, 9, or even T
Q♠7♠: Covering up a lie
♠3♣4♦: Financial stability growing slowly
♠8♣: Conflict at work
♠9♥: Delay or problem to be overcome before the wish is fulfilled
♠A♥♠: Trouble, turmoil, aggravations in the home, the nature of which will be shown by the Spades
TT4♠: The trip hasn’t been planned well enough; expect problems
TT6♠: An ill-advised journey, beset with trouble
T♣2♣T♦: Taking a second business trip, and this time, sealing the deal
T♣4♠: Working oneself into exhaustion; need to slow down
T♣6♣: Making good progress on a pile of work
T♣6♥: Making good progress on a pile of work
T♥3♠♠: Lost at sea
T♥4♣4♥: a seaside hotel
T♥5♠9♠: An abusive marriage owing to some addiction
T♥5♠T♠: An abusive marriage owing to some addiction
T♥7♥K♥: All is fair and fine in this family man’s life He has reached a stage of happy emotional security, and any troubles that arise are easily resolved or quickly solved themselves
T♥7♠2♠: Marriage breaking up; divorce
T♥♣♣: Marriage is important to the person
T♥T♠: Worry about marriage partner leaving for a time
X4♠X: The area of instability will be shown by the cards surrounding the 4♠
This system of cartomancy is from The Wise & Subtle Arte of Reading Cards by the HedgeWytch.