Herbs for Witchcraft

Properties: Good luck, personal power, protection and wisdom. Dried acorns are a natural amulet for youthfulness. Associated with Litha.

Tagged With: Nuts

Properties: Purification, protection, growth, banishing, warding off negativity, healing, community work.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: ink, purification, banishing, cleansing

Properties: Business, luck, success, kindness, money. Aids compassion, luck and healing. Provides added determination and energy to any spells and charms. Burn crushed allspice to attract luck and money. Use in herbal baths for healing.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: increases energy & determination, grounding, money, luck

Scientific Name: Pimenta dioica

Other Names: Jamaica Pepper

Tagged With: Spice

Properties: Wisdom, money, fruitfulness, and prosperity. Invokes the healing energy of the deities. Provides magickal help for overcoming dependencies & addiction. Associated with candlemas and beltane. Carry, wear, or use as incense to attract abundance.

Other Names: Greek Nuts, Shakad

Toxicity: Bitter almonds contain cyanide and should not be consumed in large quantities

Tagged With: Nuts

Properties: "The shield", protection

Tagged With: Houseplants

Properties: Protection and luck. Place on the grave of a loved one to promote peaceful energy. Thought to relieve loneliness and assist with success.

Other Names: Burn Plant, Medicine Plant

Tagged With: Succulents, Houseplants

Properties: Amber is a gemstone of cleansing and renewal, embodying ancient energy and natural warmth. Shields negative energies and promotes a sense of safety and empowerment.

Tagged With: Resin

Properties: Balance, energy, harmony, purification, well-being. Used to help ward off the evil eye, find happiness, and stimulate psychic ability. Fill a sleep pillow with anise seed to prevent disturbing dreams. Use to invoke mercury and apollo. Great for aromatherapy. Use in purification baths with bay leaves. A sprig of anise hung on the bedpost will restore lost youth. Use in protection and meditation incenses.

Green Witch Correspondence: Crone, protection, purification, psychic power, divination, seeking answers, spirit contact, deflection of negativity

Other Names: Aniseed, Anneys, Anise Seed

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Abundance, dream work, enchantment, fertility, love, luck, harmony. Garden magic, love, healing and wisdom, also vanity, marriage and beauty. Associated Mabon & Samhain. Place seven apple seeds in a bag with orris root to attract sexual love. Use in rituals to give honor to gods and goddesses of fertility. Considered the food of the dead, which is why samhain is called the 'feast of apples'. Symbolizes the soul and is burned at samhain in honor of those who will be reborn in the spring. When doing a house blessing, cut an apple in half, eat half and put the other half outside of the home as an offering.

Green Witch Correspondence: Underworld, rebirth, immortality, food for the dead, Samhain

Other Names: Fruit Of The Underworld, Fruit Of The Gods, Silver Brough, Silver Branch, Tree Of Love

Tagged With: Tree, Fruit, Seeds

Properties: Love. Add leaves and flowers to love sachets or carry apricot pits to attract love.

Tagged With: Fruit, Tree

Properties: Courage, strength, and success. Five points of a pentacle (fire, water, earth, air, spirit).

Tagged With: Houseplants

Properties: Protection and banishing negativity. Be forewarned that this herb is powerful, but has an awful smell when burned.

Scientific Name: Ferula asafoetida

Other Names: Devil's Dung, Food Of The Gods

Tagged With: Herbs, Wild Plants

Properties: Love, lust and beauty. Also used for sex magic.

Other Names: Ahuacotl, Alligator Pear, Persea

Toxicity: The pit and skin can be toxic to animals

Tagged With: Fruit, Tree

Properties: Happiness, gaiety and light spirits, first love.

Toxicity: Toxic

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Strength and breaking up negativity; insight, progress against goals, and bringing about change. Balsam fir needles can be burned on charcoal as an incense and also make a great ingredient in sachet bags, dream pillows, and potpourri mixes.

Green Witch Correspondence: Underworld passage, psychic energy, spirit communication Bay

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Hex breaking, wishes, luck and protection. Carve a wish into bamboo and bury it in a secluded area to make your wish come true. Carry a piece of bamboo for good luck.

Tagged With: Grass

Properties: Fertility, potency, and prosperity

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Love, psychic ability, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits. Associated with candlemas & Imbolc. Carry to move forward in a positive manner despite perilous danger.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: love drawing, abundance, fidelity, cleansing

Other Names: Sweet Basil, St. Josephwort, St. Joseph's Wort, Tulsi, Tulasi, Krishnamul, Kala Tulasi, Witches' Herb, Alabahaca, American Dittany

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Purification, protection, success, manifestation, strength, wisdom, healing, psychic abilities, house and business blessing, and clearing confusion. Attracts romance. Keep potted plant to protect home from lightning. Place in a dream pillow for sound sleep and to induce prophetic dreams.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: protection, visions & divination, ward, prosperity

Other Names: Bay, Sweet Laurel, Sweet Bay, Bay Laurel, True Laurel, Lorbeer, Noble Laurel, Baie, Daphne

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Friendship, attraction, love, strength, happiness, and overcoming depression.

Tagged With: Bees

Properties: Traditionally used for making candles, decorative seals, natural polish, protective finish, and use as a base for herbal salves.

Tagged With: Bees

Properties: Balance, hope of life, renewal, heightened awareness, psychic abilities, protection from gossip, emotional inner strength, caution, communication, new beginnings.

Tagged With: Houseplants

Properties: Imagination, night magick, visions, astral realm. Provides protection when placed in a secret place in the home. Use for forgetting past loves. Protection, beauty and original flying ointments. Adds energy to rituals.

Other Names: Banewort, Deadly Nightshade, Sorcerer's Berry, Witch's Berry, Death's Herb, Devil's Cherries, Divale, Dwale, Dwaleberry, Dwayberry, Fair Lady, Great Morel, Naughty Man's Cherries

Toxicity: Deadly

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Money, prosperity, improving memory, stopping interference, and sleep. Protects from both evil and illness. Good for luck and wealth. Increases magical power.

Other Names: Orange Mint

Tagged With: Fruit, Citrus

Properties: Reduces anxiety, defensive magick, increases concentration, creativity. Dispels lightning, infertility, and the evil eye. Associated with Yule.

Other Names: White Birch, Canoe Birch, Paper Birch, Tree Of Life, Lady Of The Woods

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Banishing negativity, exorcism, and offers protection and help with inner strength.

Tagged With: Seeds

Properties: Healing, protection and money. Sacred to brighid. Leaves and berries said to attract wealth and healing.

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Love, protection, and purification. Steep in red wine for a full cycle of the moon to use as a "blood offering" for spells that call for this. Do not drink the wine. Place in windows and doorways to keep curses and evil spirits out.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: banishing, marriage protector, love, sexual potency

Other Names: Red Root, Red Indian Paint, Tetterwort, Blood Root, Indian Paint, Pauson, Red Paint Root, Red Puccoon, Sanguinariat

Toxicity: Skin irritant

Tagged With: Roots

Properties: Psychic abilities. Burning can encourage lucid dreaming & muscle relaxation. "Flower of intuitive ascension"

Inner Perfect Correspondence: divine connection, higher state of being and consciousness, aphrodisiac

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Wisdom, a long life and good health, positive change, connecting with the divine, spiritual energy, and higher self.

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Protection of children, keeps evil out, and strengthens the aura. Associated with the Great Spirit.

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Protection, exorcism and warding off evil spirits. Sprinkle an infusion of boneset around the home to rid it of evil and negativity. Can be used in spells that mark an ending, letting go, parting of ways, or the dissolution of a partnership.

Green Witch Correspondence: deflection, exorcism, protection

Other Names: White Snake Root, Feverwort, Agueweed, Crosswort, Eupatorium, Indian Sage, Sweating Plant, Teasel, Thoroughwort, Vegetable Antimony

Toxicity: Toxic when fresh

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Divination, good luck, and attracting money & wealth. Carried whole anointed with money oil and/or wrapped in a dollar bill for constant increase in money flow.

Other Names: Horse Chestnut

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Strong blue color. Rich with antioxidants. Common for making "blue tea" - turns red when mixed with hibiscus, purple with lemon juice (pH change).

Inner Perfect Correspondence: transformation, protection, love

Scientific Name: Clitoria ternatea

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Chastity, banishing and protection. Bury with other banishing symbols for protection. Grow in the home or garden to prevent unwanted intrusions. Place in all directions of the home (north, south, east, and west) for full protection.

Tagged With: Succulents

Properties: unconditional love, beauty, kindness, spiritual evolution & growth

Scientific Name: Caladium bicolor

Tagged With: Plants

Properties: May help dreams follow a more coherant narrative structure; more vivid, easier to remember.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: vivid dreams, lucid dreaming, rituals & ceremonial magick

Scientific Name: Calea ternifolia

Other Names: bitter grass, Mexican calea, dream herb

Tagged With: Herbs, Tea

Properties: Attracts success and justice in legal matters. Increases psychic/spiritual powers and aid prophetic dreams. Dispels negativity. Pick at noon for comfort and strength. Place garlands at doors to prevent evil from entering. Scatter under the bed for protection and to make dreams come true.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: protection, legal matters, love, psychic powers

Green Witch Correspondence: divination, Otherworld, Fairy offering, Beltane, Mabon, protection, dreams, psychic power

Other Names: Calendula, Summer's Bride, Bride Of The Sun, Sun's Gold, Ruddes, Ruddles

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Love & devotion, money, wealth, riches, abundance, luxury. Smells great crushed with blue salvia.

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Eggshell powder. Protection, purification, energy cleansing.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: purification, cleansing, protection from evil eye, removal of entity attachment

Tagged With: Chickens

Properties: Love, luck, psychic ability, spirits, beauty, fertility, prevents nightmares. Provides protection while sleeping. Mix with dragon's blood to rid oneself of a behavioral problem or bad habit. Burn dried leaves for love magick.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: sacred to Bast, cat magick (deities), beauty, happiness

Other Names: Cat's Play, Catmint, Nip, Nepeta, Field Balm, Catswort, Catnep

Tagged With: Herbs, Flowers

Properties: Dealing with separations or divorce; cleansing & purification; repels negativity; speeds up the effect of any mixture to which it is added.

Other Names: Bird Pepper, Pod Pepper, Chili Pepper

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Afterlife, clairvoyance, breaks hexes, psychic ability, confidence, strength, power, money, protection, healing and purification. Used in the consecration of magick wands.

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Mental and psychic powers, concentration. Burn with orris root to increase psychic powers. Use in sleep pillow to induce sleep. Chew celery seed to aid in concentration.

Tagged With: Seeds

Properties: Packed with antioxidants which help to fight free radicals and inflammation. Produces a sweet smelling incense.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: boost energy, enchance focus, enhance sleep/dreams

Tagged With: Mushrooms

Properties: Blessings, calming, reduces anger & anxiety, money, luck. Use for meditation work and to attract money. Solar Magic.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: reducing stress, serenity and peace, chakra balancing, dispelling fear

Other Names: Whig Plant, Scented Mayweed, Camomyle, Ground Apple, Manzanilla (Spanish), Maythen, Earth Apple, Camomile

Tagged With: Herbs, Flowers

Properties: Luck, money, abundance

Toxicity: Potentially toxic

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Protection of gardeners; brings peace to the home and helps to attune one with their soul.

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, passion, wealth, luck, strength, and prosperity. Burn as an incense or use in a sachet to raise spiritual and protective vibrations, draw money, and stimulate psychic powers. A popular herb for use in charms to draw money & prosperity.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: success, boost to magickal work, cleansing, love drawing

Other Names: Sweetwood

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Divination, prosperity, psychic ability, success, truth, visions, protection, banishing. Aids money and draws love.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: protection, banishing, stop gossip, exorcism, money drawing, love drawing

Green Witch Correspondence: banishing/releasing, exorcism, protection, companion offering

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Grounding, luck, marriage, prosperity, success, spiritual balance. Strong association with the earth, useful in consecrating both pentacles and ritual tools made of copper.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: money drawing, lust, luck, success, consecrating ritual tools

Other Names: Trefoil, Cleaver Grass, Marl Grass, Cowgrass, Three Leaved Grass, Honeystalks, Shamrock, Trifoil

Tagged With: Wild Plants

Properties: One of the oldest beings on the planet. Protection and power. Use in bath magick for purification. Burn as incense as an offering to the deities and to open channels of communication with them. Use in amulets and charms for power and protection.

Other Names: Wolf's Claw, Troll Trees

Toxicity: Some species can be toxic

Tagged With: Herbs, Wild Plants, Ferns

Properties: Helps to dispel nightmares and negative thoughts and to overcome internal blockages. Provides peace of mind and grounding.

Tagged With: Plant, Bean

Properties: Clear negative energy, purify, protect.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: purification, consecration of objects, protection, exorcism,

Properties: Traditional healers in Sikkim recommend the fungus/mushroom Cordyceps sinensis for “all illnesses” as a tonic, because they claim that it improves energy, appetite, stamina, libido, endurance, and sleeping patterns.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: stamina, endurance, yin and yang, longevity

Tagged With: Mushrooms

Properties: Love, lust and health. Used as an aphrodisiac and to heal migraines. Brings peace & protection to the home.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: love, health, banishing, protection, exorcism

Other Names: Cilantro Seed, Chinese Parsley, Yee Sai

Tagged With: Seeds

Properties: Used primarily as an Ink for your Book of Shadows. It is the patron herb of herbalists. Use in rituals to give honor to the Mother of all nature, also connected to Rainbow and Crystal children.

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Fishing magick, rain, protection, luck, and healing. Burn to attract rain. Cloth made of cotton is the best for magickal use. Place cotton in a sugar bowl to draw luck.

Tagged With: Plants, Fiber

Properties: abundance, energy, healing, love, protection, emotions, communication, courage, action, rejuvenation

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: These plants are ground covering. They find their way to the sun through a variety of obstacles.

Scientific Name: Lysimachia nummularia

Tagged With: Plants

Properties: Fidelity, harmony, the home, longevity, love, repels negativity. The seed is said to prevent the theft of any object which contains it. Burn with frankincense for protection. Scatter on the floor alone or with salt to drive out evil. Use in love spells to promote fidelity. Steep in wine to make love potions.

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Clairvoyance, clarity, divination, communication, spirits. It also enhances dreams and works well in astral projection. Dandelion root helps ease frustrations and stay focused on our path ahead while staying connected with our bodies.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: summoning spirits, purification, aid in psychic development, grants wishes (leaf); divination, calling spirits, sleep protection, grants wishes (root)

Green Witch Correspondence: psychic power, spirit contact, Otherworld

Tagged With: Flowers, Roots

Properties: Defensive magick, breaking hexes, love, lust, sex magic, money, balance. Used in love & protection charms. Effective at keeping away dark forces, useful for house blessing. Keeps the mind cognizant of the line between superstition and the realities of magick.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: protection, money, love, house blessing

Other Names: Aneto, Aneton, Dill Weed, Dill Seed, Dilly, Garden Dill

Tagged With: Herbs, Flowers

Properties: Wishes, protection, and good health. Used in meetings in which attendees must maintain confidence on the topics of discussion. Used to guard diaries, journals, and books of shadows. Seal letters with dogwood oil to keep the contents for intended eyes only.

Other Names: Boxwood, Squawbush, Budwood, Flowering Cornel, Green Osier

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Positivity, good luck

Other Names: Snake Plant

Tagged With: Houseplants

Properties: Protection, energy, and purification. Burn as an incense to increase the potency of a spell. Has strong banishing powers against negative influences and bad habits. Can be used as a form of magickal ink.

Green Witch Correspondence: binding, changes, courage, energy, strength, power, exorcism, protection

Other Names: Blood, Blume, Calamus Draco, Dragon's Blood Palm

Tagged With: Resin

Properties: Strengthens spells, boosts inner-strength.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: protection, dream pillows, winter solstice, fairy magick, representative of death/rebirth

Green Witch Correspondence: Crone, banishing/releasing, defense, deflection, retribution, Litha, blessings, wards negativity, Otherworld, protection, visions, spirit contact, occult learning, healing, exorcism

Properties: Peace, protection, and healing, plus aids in exorcisms. Warding off evil. Romani people believe burning elder wood brings bad luck. Folklore that witches could turn into elder trees.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: ancestor veneration, protection, house blessing, magickal ink/dye

Green Witch Correspondence: Crone, banishing/releasing, defense, deflection, retribution, Litha, blessings, wards negativity, Otherworld, protection, visions, spirit contact, occult learning, healing, exorcism

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Common ingredient in ritual baths and bath salt recipes.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: ritual baths, purification, cleansing, sleep aid, circle casting

Tagged With: Earth

Properties: Attracts healing vibrations, great for protection and healing sachets. Use to purify any space. Use dried leaves to stuff healing poppets, pillows, or sachets. Arrange a ring of dried leaves around a blue candle and burn the candle for healing vibrations. Carry in a sachet or amulet to help reconcile difficulties in a relationship, for protection, and/or to maintain health.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: healing, purification (self, ritual/ceremonial space), banishing

Other Names: Blue Gum, Curly Mallee, River Red Gum, Mottlecah, Maiden's Gum, Fever Tree, Stringy Bark Tree

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Something pretty that isn't what it seems. Oxalis is bound to Venus and Earth. Togetherness, comfort, restful sleep.

Scientific Name: Oxalis triangularis

Tagged With: Houseplants

Properties: Blessings, repels evil & negative energy. Helps with meditation. Healing, purifying and protection. Also linked with new motherhood and offers inner strength. Imparts strength, vitality, sexual virility; prevents curses, possession and negative problems.

Other Names: Large Fennel, Sweet Fennel, Wild Fennel, Finocchio, Carosella, Florence Fennel, Fennel Seed

Tagged With: Herbs, Seeds

Properties: Mental clarity, cleansing, purification, and dispelling negativity. Keep in room where studying is done to help concentration. Burn a sprig of fern before an exam. Use in sachets and amulets for powerful auric protection.

Green Witch Correspondence: banishing/releasing, exorcism, protection, Samhain, Otherworld Fir

Tagged With: Plants

Properties: Calms and soothes the nervous system. Helps with migraines and arthritis.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: protection, prevents accidents, spiritual healing

Tagged With: Plants, Flowers

Properties: Successful ventures, cleansing, purification. Burn for protective work, consecration, and meditation. Used as an offering at beltane, lammas, and yule. Enhances the power of topaz. Use in rituals and magick associated with self-will.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: preparation for ritual/ceremony, ancestor veneration, cleansing, purification

Green Witch Correspondence: anointing, strength, power, energy, exorcism, Yule, Beltane, Lughnassadh, protection, consecration, visions

Tagged With: Resin

Properties: Banishing, justice, protection, breaking hexes, release, security. Love & lust.

Green Witch Correspondence: protection, ward negativity, Dark Lady (Hecate), exorcism, healing

Tagged With: Herbs, Roots

Properties: Money, fertility, love, power, moon magick, unity, success. Increases magic power. Draws adventure and new experiences. Promotes sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, and success. Adds to the strength and speed of any mixture of which it is a part.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: courage, concentration, money drawing, promotes sensuality and sexuality

Green Witch Correspondence: psychic power, protection, exorcism, deflection, return-to-sender, drawing, spirit contact

Other Names: African Ginger

Tagged With: Herbs, Roots

Properties: Aphrodisiac, associated with fertility. Carry or use in amulets and charms as a healing herb. Useful in ritual healing. The dried nuts represent male fertility. Useful in all creative work. Immerse in water, then remove and keep in the bedroom to gain grace, love, and beauty.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: fertility, aphrodisiac, healing, longevity, potency, stamina

Other Names: Maidenhair Tree, Living Fossil, Gingko

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Promotes love, beauty, healing and lust. Carry to draw love, health, money, and sexual potency. Carve a wish into a whole root and throw it into water to make the wish come true.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: healing, stamina, longevity, love, beauty

Other Names: Sang, Wonder Of The World Root

Tagged With: Roots

Properties: Money, divination

Other Names: Aaron's Rod, Woundwort,Sweet Goldenrod, Solidago, Ver D'or

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Seeds from a sugar maple. Maples represent love, money, wealth, luck, balance, offering, practical magic, promise, longevity, generosity, and intelligence.

Scientific Name: Samara

Other Names: Samara, Sugar Maple Seeds

Tagged With: Seeds

Properties: Attracting love and lust. Use in divination. Associated with lunar magic. Carry in a sachet or burn as incense to attract love.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: love/lust, divination, release energy blockages

Other Names: Kharkady

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Marriage, dream magick, luck, and love. Planted around the outside of the home for protection. Used as a decoration at yule. When carried by men, is thought to heighten masculinity.

Green Witch Correspondence: [poisonous, use Frankincense instead] energy, strength, power, insight, protection, deflection

Other Names: Tinne, Bat's Wings, Hulm, Hulver Bush, Holm Chaste

Toxicity: yes

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: For attraction and solar magick.

Tagged With: Bees

Properties: Affection, destiny, happiness, love, peace, well-being. Draws money, success, and quick abundance; aids persuasiveness and confidence, sharpens intuition. Ring green candles with honeysuckle flowers or use honeysuckle in charms & sachets to attract money. Crush the flowers and rub into the forehead to enhance psychic powers.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: money drawing, enhance psychic power, sexual healing

Other Names: Woodbine, Jin Yin Hua, Dutch Honeysuckle, Goat's Leaf

Tagged With: Tree, Flowers

Properties: Relaxing and sleep producing; a fantastic herb for dream pillows. Believed to increase the restfulness & serenity of sleep. Also used for healing rituals, sachets, and incense.

Other Names: Beer Flower, Hop Flower

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Hex-breaking, love drawing, bringing back a lover, fidelity, and binding.

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Attracts wisdom, courage, and faith. Use fresh iris flower to purify an area. Represents a belief in happy reincarnation. Symbolizes faith, wisdom, and valor. Useful for consecrating ritual wands. Used in rituals designed for baby blessings.

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Attraction, marriage, love, stability, transformation, fidelity, omens, protection, healing, fertility.

Tagged With: Plants

Properties: The herb of attraction. Helps prophetic dreaming, money and love. Good for charging quartz crystals. Use in dream pillows to induce sleep or burn in the bedroom to bring prophetic dreams. Helps to promote new, innovative ideas.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: divination, love drawing, induce prophetic dreams

Green Witch Correspondence: anointing, balance, Ostara, divination, dreams, insight, astral projection

Other Names: Pikake, Ysmyn, Jessamin, Moonlight On The Grove

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: The female seed cone. Consumption is generally safe but may cause an increased risk of miscarriage. Sharp, clear flavor when added to meat dishes. Have been found in multiple ancient Egyptian tombs. Greeks believed the berries increased the stamina of athletes and used it in Olympic events.

Associations include fertility, happiness, protection, optimism, spirits, strength. Protective, cleansing and repels negativity very well. Used in healing rites.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: purification, protection, healing, prophecy/divination, exorcism

Green Witch Correspondence: visions, purification, spirit contact, exorcism, protection

Other Names: Juniper Berries, Ginepro, Enebro, Wachholder

Tagged With: Tree, Fruit

Properties: Love and protection. Worn by brides to guarantee a long and happy marriage.

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Reduces anger and anxiety, love, manifestation, luck, rebirth, tranquility, attraction, promotes healing from depression. Great in sleep pillows and bath spells. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: purification, protection, healing, meditation, love drawing

Other Names: Spike, Nardus, Elf Leaf, Nard

Tagged With: Herbs, Flowers

Properties: Cleansing, spiritual opening, purification, and removal of blockages. Love & lust. Add lemon peel to love sachets and mixtures. Soak peel in water and use the mixture as a wash for magickal objects to remove unwanted negativity, especially for objects received second-hand.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: removal of blockages, cleansing, love drawing, friendship, increases clarity

Other Names: Citronnier, Neemoo, Leemoo, Limone, Limoun

Tagged With: Fruit, Citrus

Properties: Love, success and healing. Aids psychic/spiritual development. Supports mental health disorders and compassion. Business success, calming, clarity, fertility, relationships.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: love drawing, healing, psychic development, aphrodisiac, creativity

Other Names: Melissa, Sweet Balm, Balm Mint, Bee Balm, Blue Balm, Cure All, Dropsy Plant, Garden Balm, Sweet Balm

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Psychic cleansing and opening. Use in lust potions and when using Dragon Magic.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: psychic cleansing, lust, purification

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Composite organisms made up of multiple creatures.

Tagged With: Earth

Properties: Love, lust, passion and fidelity. Carry to attract a lover.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: love, lust, fidelity, carry to attract a lover, binding, controlling

Other Names: Licorice Root, Yashtimadhu, Mithilakdi, Mulathi, Liquorice, Sweet Root, Lacris, Lacrisse, Lycorys, Reglisse

Tagged With: Roots

Properties: Wisdom, memory, good luck and spiritual aid.

Other Names: Common Lilac

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Purification and protection, promoting calmness and tranquility, and strengthening love.

Tagged With: Fruit, Citrus

Properties: Fidelity, love, hair growth, beauty, loyalty, peace, calming anxieties, marital harmony, and overcoming addictions & obsessive behavior.

Other Names: Cucumber Tree, Blue Magnolia, Swamp Sassafras, Magnolia Tripetata

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Confection of root was original ingredient in marshmallows (Egypt) but no longer used today. Roots used for relief of irritated mucous membranes (gargle). Roots make a palatable dish when boiled first and fried with onions and butter. Used for protection, cleansing, and attraction spellwork.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: enhance psychic powers, aids in spirit communication

Scientific Name: Althaea officinalis

Tagged With: Plant

Properties: Female power & domination. Used to increase the chances of getting a job & divination. Aids one during times of distress. Useful as an altar offering, especially during love magick. Burn or strew about the house to relieve disharmony in the home or remove tensions. Carry to gain popularity and friendship.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: love magick, courage, increase chance of a job, induces psychic visions

Other Names: Gravel Root, Queen Of The Meadow, Bridewort, Little Queen, Gravelweed, Joe Pye Weed, Purple Boneset, Kidney Root, Trumpet Weed, Trumpet Vine, Meadowsweet

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Promotes energy, communication and vitality, protection and draws custom.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: studying & times of intense mental concentration, cleansing, protection, dream work

Other Names: Garden Mint

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Used for binding, banishing, and promoting attraction to someone or something. Wrap the vine around a poppet nine times to banish someone.

Scientific Name: Ipomoea purpurea

Other Names: Devil's Guts

Toxicity: yes

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Spirits, psychic ability, astral realm, awareness, psychic energy. Use for strength, protection and healing. Good for nighttime tea.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: dreams, protection, divination, midsummer rites

Green Witch Correspondence: Dark Lady, Dark Moon, Lunar Eclipse, psychic power, dreams, banishing/releasing, divination, cleansing magic mirrors and crystal balls, Litha, astral projection, strength, protection, healing

Other Names: Artemisia, Felon Herb, St. John's Plant, Naughty Man, Oild Man, Sailor's Tobacco

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: In India, Mullein is regarded as the most potent safeguard against evil spirits and magic, banishing demons, and warding off negativity and is commonly hung over doors and in windows.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: protection from nightmares/lightening, divination, *used as a substitute for graveyard dirt

Green Witch Correspondence: Crone energy, courage, exorcism, "graveyard dust," divination, protection, return-to-sender, deflection

Tagged With: Wild Plants

Properties: "the royal bean"

Tagged With: Seeds

Properties: Courage, faith, and endurance. It is a good luck amulet. Aids mental power and offers protection. Good fortune. Amplifies courage and drive.

Other Names: Yellow Mustard, White Mustard

Tagged With: Seeds

Properties: Roots can reach a depth of 10 feet or more. Deadly yellow berries; association with the underworld. Native to the southeast. Many uses to the Cherokee even though every part of the plant is poisonous. Cooked plant is safe to eat. Cherokee make the roots into beads. Can be used in place of nightshade for spellwork. Garland of nettle berries and poke berries can create a powerful barrier.

Healing, justice, luck, protection, courage, confidence. Uses include dispelling darkness & fear, and curse breaking. Healing and protection and increases lust in partners. Renewal.

The English figure of speech "grasp the nettle", meaning to nerve oneself to tackle a difficult task, stems from a belief that nettles actually sting less if gripped tightly.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: love, protection, uncrossing and reversal, courage

Green Witch Correspondence: protection, exorcism, return to sender, deflection, courage

Scientific Name: Urtica

Other Names: Nettle Leaves, Common Nettle, Stinging Nettle, Beggar's Lice

Toxicity: Every part of the plant is poisonous. Berries can be deadly.

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Life, luck, love, money, power, attract, psychic ability, divination. Use for fortune telling and when you need favourable decisions to be made.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: aphrodisiac, love, dream work, money/prosperity

Other Names: Myristica

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Stability, confidence, justice, luck, money, success, independance, wealth. Connected to Litha and the most sacred of all trees.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: sacred tree, tool making, purification, good luck, uncrossing, wisdom

Green Witch Correspondence: strength, power purification, charms, Mabon, Samhain, Yule

Other Names: Duir, Jove's Nuts

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Prosperity, abundance.

Tagged With: Seeds

Properties: Beauty & danger, allurement & caution, poison.

Scientific Name: Nerium oleander

Other Names: Rose Bay, Rose Laurel

Toxicity: Extremely toxic

Tagged With: Flowers, Plants

Properties: Prosperity, stability, endurance, and protection. Love & lust. Burn onion flowers to banish bad habits and negative influences. Sacred to the moon.

Tagged With: Roots

Properties: Luck, creativity, money, divination. Attracts abundance and happiness through love and marriage. Add an infusion of orange to the bath to increase attractiveness and beauty.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: love drawing, prosperity, divination, good luck, relaxation

Other Names: Orange Peel

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Sex, lust, beauty. Concentration, strengthening memory, focus, and will power. Lady slippers used for protection against hexes, curses and the evil eye.

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Joy, strength, vitality, health, and added energy. Increase joy and justice and protects against evil.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: protection, vitality, joy, strength

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Astral, protection, relationships, love, sexual attraction, femininity. Promotes popularity, persuasiveness, and personal success. Aids communication and helps to open dialogs.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: love drawing, divination, popularity, persuasivness, aids in communication

Green Witch Correspondence: power, protection, divination, deflection

Other Names: Florentine Iris, Queen Elizabeth Root, Love Drawing Powder

Tagged With: Roots

Properties: Fertility, focus, potency, and divination

Tagged With: Houseplants

Properties: If you feel you have been cursed, rub this herb on your body and then bathe.

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Use to add energy to any spell or mixture. Throw in someone's yard to cause them problems.

Other Names: African Pepper, Bird Pepper, Chili Pepper, Goat's Pod, Grains Of Paradise, Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper, Tabasco Pepper, Zanzibar Pepper, Capsicum

Tagged With: Spice, Ground Fruit

Properties: Calms and protects the home; draws prosperity, financial increase, and luck. Restores a sense of well-being. Contacting the dead. Increases strength, vitality and passion. It is uplifting and helps spiritual growth.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: strength in adversity, calms and protects the home, financial increase, vitality

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Sedative properties. Can incite love and passion and help you attract companionship, but it can also calm and soothe negative passion or angry energy in your home and self. The word passion comes from the Latin passio, meaning 'suffering'.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: meditation, calm an overactive mind, dream work, attracting friendship

Scientific Name: Passiflora

Tagged With: Plants, Tea, Flowers

Properties: Extreme earthy, woody fragrance. All purpose insect repellent. Important ingredient in East Asian incense. Tea contains caffeine. Spiritual associations include astuteness, reasonableness and stimulation. Used for manifestation, peace, luck, love (attract), money, business. Used in spells for connecting with spirits. Increases fertility and lust. Calming and peaceful.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: love, money drawing, fertility, *used as a substitue for graveyard dirt

Scientific Name: Pogostemon cablin

Other Names: Patchouly, Pucha Pot

Tagged With: Herbs, Tea

Properties: Fertility, love, and wisdom. Eating peaches induces love. Wear a peach pit to keep away evil. Carry peach wood for longevity. Use peach pits or dried fruit in amulets and sachets for fertility and love.

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Lust and love eating pears induces love. Use dried fruit in amulets and sachets for love and lust.

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Associated with employment, success, job security, and career matters. To insure that you do not lose your job, shell a small amount of pecans. While eating them, slowly visualize yourself working and enjoying your job. Take the shells to work and place them where they won't be found or removed.

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Flowering plant in the mint family. Strong scent. Bisexual flowers. Chemicals in the pennyroyal plant cause the uterine lining to contract, causing a woman's uterine lining to shed. Ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptians would pair it with wine to cause miscarriages, abortions. Has pesticide properties; can keep away fleas. Used for peace, breaking curses, protection.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: peace/tranquility, endurance, carry for seasickness, success to busines, (demeter & persephone)

Green Witch Correspondence: [poisonous, use Blackthorn instead] deflection, power, protection, ward negative energy

Scientific Name: Mentha pulegium

Other Names: mosquito plant, pudding grass

Toxicity: Likely toxic.

Tagged With: Plants, Tea, Flowers

Properties: Dream work, psychic ability, divination, luck, money, visions, healing. Use for headaches and other forms of healing. Increases sleep and love.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: peaceful sleep, prophetic dreams, aphrodisiac (love charm), clears mind, protection

Other Names: Brandy Mint, Lammint

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Warm memories, fidelity in friendship, truth, purity, everlasting love.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: marriage workings, protection, money drowing, restore lost memory

Scientific Name: Catharanthus roseus

Tagged With: Plants, Flowers

Properties: Abundance, love, and good health, forgiveness, adaptation, wisdom, knowledge

Toxicity: Some species can be toxic.

Tagged With: Houseplants

Properties: Prosperity and success. Protection, purification and divination. Throw in the fire to dispel negativity. Use in house and business blessings. Beginnings, blessings, hope, prosperity, self-work, releasing, clean breaks.

Toxicity: Certain pine species can be toxic.

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Luck, money, and chastity. Add an infusion of pineapple to the bath to attract luck.

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Aztec symbol for purity

Tagged With: Plants

Properties: Chaos, finding lost objects and breaking hexes and curses. Add an infusion of poke root to bath water to break hexes.

Other Names: Phytolacca, Shang Lu

Toxicity: Generally toxic

Tagged With: Plants, Fruit

Properties: In the magnolia family. Extremely tall and straight. Fast grower, but stronger wood than other fast growing trees. Flexible branches. Inner bark is called cambium. Walt Whitman called it"the Apollo of the woods–tall and graceful."

Scientific Name: Liriodendron tulipifera

Other Names: Tuliptree, Whitewood, Yellow Poplar, Canoewood

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Pleasure, love and luck. Chaos and confusion. Aids sleep and insomnia. Use in astral projection and flying magic. Increases fertility and happiness.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: fertility, pleasure, money drowing, aids sleep, good luck, invisibility

Other Names: Opium Poppy, Mawseed

Tagged With: Seeds

Properties: Image magic, money, luck, and healing

Tagged With: Roots

Properties: Luck, abundance, resiliance, prosperity

Tagged With: Houseplants

Properties: Creativity, dreamwork, lucid dreaming, psychic abilities.

Scientific Name: Psilocybe semilanceata

Tagged With: Mushrooms

Properties: Healing & divination. Lunar magic. Seeds represent health.

Tagged With: Gourds

Properties: Rain, fertility, money, and protection. Use in money spells and fertility charms.

Tagged With: Seeds

Properties: Fertility, family, blessings, love, luck, happiness, beginnings, psychic power, friendship.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: divine love, love drawing, induces prophetic dreams, enhances beauty/youthfulness (flower); love/money drawing, calm/peaceful enviornments, healing, good luck (rose hips)

Tagged With: Flowers, Fruit

Properties: Psychic ability, psychic protection, inner power, luck, afterlife. Improves memory. Increases sleep, mental power and protection. Burn for cleansing. Promotes healing and often used in grief rituals.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: cleansing and purification, nightmare prevention, improve memory, love/lust spell

Green Witch Correspondence: courage, exorcism, protection, purification, dreams, health, strength, cleansing, Otherworld, Sidhe contact

Other Names: Elf Leaf, Sea Dew, Polar Plant, Guardrobe, Compass Weed, Dew Of The Sea, Mary's Cloak, Stella Maria, Star Of The Sea, Incensier

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Clairvoyance, cleansing, visions, clears negativity, business. Helps grief and loss. Healing and protection, also increases wisdom.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: sacred, cleansing, purifying, protection, wisdom, rid space of negativity and stagnant energies

Green Witch Correspondence: Yule, Mabon, immortality, wisdom, protection, spirit and Otherworld offering, exorcism, purification

Other Names: Garden Sage, White Sage, Red Sage, Sawge

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Focus, concentration, success, luck, moon magick, blessings, protection. Scatter sandalwood powder around the home to clear it of negativity

Inner Perfect Correspondence: healing, protection, exorcism, incense/ink

Green Witch Correspondence: meditation, intuitive power, protection, spirit contact, exorcism

Other Names: Sandal, Santal, White Saunders, White Sandalwood, Red Sandalwood, Yellow Sandalwood

Tagged With: Wood

Properties: Use to cleanse crystals and tools. For purification, grounding and protection. Supports ritual work. Absorbs negativity and banishes evil.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: cleansing, healing, protection, purifying, barrier

Tagged With: Earth

Properties: Clairaudience, emotions, money, protection, assertiveness

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Magically used for protection and cleansing. Used in offertory incense. Used to bind magickal workings and keep sacred oaths & promises forever binding. Carry in an amulet or sachet for all-purpose protection. Use in protection magick to exorcise spirits and ward off negative influences and demons. Keep on altar to promote success in all rituals. Sprinkle an infusion of the root to drive away evil.

Other Names: Lady's Seals, St. Mary's Seal, Sigillum Sanctae Mariae, Scean De Solomon

Tagged With: Flowers, Roots

Properties: Protection, patience, opening blockages, and dispelling negativity

Tagged With: Plants, Moss

Properties: Love, abundance, friendship

Scientific Name: Tradescantia pallida

Tagged With: Houseplants

Properties: Divination, psychic ability, purification, consecrate/bless. Consecration, purification, and happiness. Use for curse breaking or increasing luck.

Scientific Name: Illicium verum

Other Names: Chinese Anise, Anise Star

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Beauty, desire, luck, love, relationships, divination. Attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances.

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Love spells, sex magic, friendship, sweetening.

Tagged With: Spice

Properties: Clarity, dream work, solar energy, light, peace, money, luck, energy, protection, and power. Used to bind the will in loyalty spells/hexes.

Scientific Name: Helianthus annuus

Tagged With: Flowers

Properties: Intuition, royalty, influence, psychic abilities, authority, wisdom

Scientific Name: Ipomoea batatas

Other Names: Sweet Caroline, Sweet Potato, Purple Ipomoea

Tagged With: Houseplants

Properties: Used as smudge, sweet grass is thought to purify thoughts and the environment and eliminate negativity. Cleanses objects, purifies auras.

Scientific Name: Hierochloe odorata

Other Names: Seneca Grass, Vanilla Grass, Holy Grass, Buffalo Grass

Tagged With: Grass

Properties: Image magic, friendship, abundance

Scientific Name: Ipomoea batatas

Toxicity: Some parts may contain toxins.

Tagged With: Roots

Properties: Adds great power to spells & rituals. Presence of witches burr is said to defeat any kind of evil force.

Scientific Name: Liquidambar styraciflua

Other Names: Witches Burr

Tagged With: Seeds

Properties: Purification, protection against negativity and evil, hex breaking and aids vitality. Carry on you for strength and protection.

Scientific Name: Circium

Tagged With: Wild Plants

Properties: Healing, psychic abilities, happiness, increasing, rebirth, protection, calming. Attracts loyalty, affection, and love. Increases good luck and psychic power. Drink in tea to aid sleep.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: attracts loyalty, affection, courage, banishing, strength

Green Witch Correspondence: ward negativity, Litha, protection, psychic power, healing, purification, Otherworld

Scientific Name: Thymus vulgaris

Tagged With: Herbs

Properties: Love spells

Scientific Name: Solanum lycopersicum

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Purification, protection, abundance.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: increase fertility, protection, good health, color magick, abundance, sun energy

Green Witch Correspondence: protection, cleansing, purification

Scientific Name: Curcuma longa

Tagged With: Roots

Properties: Feminity, protection, sleep. Attracts cats similarly to catnip.

Green Witch Correspondence: power, purging, releasing, protection, purification

Tagged With: Roots, Wild Plants

Properties: Banishing, binding, averting evil.

Tagged With: Solution

Properties: Five leafed vine. A single tendril can grow up to twenty to thirty feet during the summer. Turn orange and red in the fall. Part of the grape family; gravevines represent abundance, prosperity, bounty, gratitude, and fertility.

Scientific Name: Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Toxicity: Berries are extremely toxic to humans

Tagged With: Plants

Properties: Access to divine energy, bringing the blessing of the gods, wishes

Scientific Name: Juglone

Tagged With: Fruit

Properties: Healing, inspiriation, willpower, fidelity, wisdom. Carry to ease grief over a lost love. Use in a sachet to reduce passions. Use in love spells and spells to ward off evil.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: protection, chastity, carry to ease grief over lost love, dowsing rods

Scientific Name: Hamamelis virginiana

Other Names: Winter Bloom, Striped Alder, Spotted Alder, Hazelnut, Snapping Hazel And Tobacco Wood

Toxicity: Internal use is not recommended.

Tagged With: Tree

Properties: Ancient healing properties based around stopping bleeding. Found in Neanderthal grave sites 60,000 years old. Bitter leaves and flowers; not advised to consume much. Flowers can be used to dye wool. Lots of folklore about using it to find "one's true sweetheart" - plucked with poem recited, then sewn into sachet and placed under pillow.

Inner Perfect Correspondence: chakra balancing, balance yin/yang, protection, healing, handfasting, courage

Green Witch Correspondence: exorcism, releasing, divination, psychic power, protection, dreams, guidance, courage

Scientific Name: Achillea millefolium

Other Names: Devil's Nettle, bloodwort, knight's milfoil, staunchweed, soldier's woundwort, arrowroot, death flower, eerie, hundred-leaved grass, knyghten, old man's mustard, sanguinary, seven-year's love, snake's grass, soldier

Tagged With: Plants, Flowers

Properties: Contains the highest caffeine content of any plant in the world. Boosts dopamine. Native to South America; of the holly genus. First consumed by the indigenous Guaraní people (Paraguay). Potential health benefits of yerba mate include higher energy, reduced inflammation, lower blood sugar and cholesterol, improved exercise performance, and higher bone density. Consumption of hot tea can potentially cause cancer??

Inner Perfect Correspondence: fidelity, love, lust

Scientific Name: Ilex paraguariensis

Tagged With: Plants, Tea

Herbs and Plants for Witchcraft

This list provides an overview of a collection of herbs and plants commonly utilized in witchcraft. The approach to working with these herbs involves a thorough exploration of their historical uses, symbolic meanings, and traditional associations across various cultures.

Each plant is thoughtfully assigned descriptors that reflect its perceived essence or contribution to a practice. The chosen descriptors are intentionally modest, avoiding grandiose implications like "transformative" or "divine," in favor of roles that support broader intentions or rituals.

By aligning each herb or plant with a specific action, practitioners can form a meaningful connection to its purpose, enhancing its integration into spiritual or magical workings. You can find almost all of these herbs on Amazon.